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fondest memory中文翻译,fondest memory是什么意思,fondest memory发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

fondest memory中文翻译,fondest memory是什么意思,fondest memory发音、用法及例句

fondest memory

fondest memory发音

英:  美:

fondest memory中文意思翻译



fondest memory双语使用场景

1、much as I don't follow international football that much, I must say that my fondest memory of Tony Adams in action, was when England had been knocked out of the World Cup.───基本上我是不怎么关注国际足球的,我得说关于托尼·亚当斯最温柔的回忆是当英格兰从世界杯中出局的时候。

2、My fondest memory of my father is of when I was a young child during the cold winter months in Texas.───我的记忆深处飘荡着父爱的味道,那是一种平和而温馨的感觉。

3、Mullin said his fondest memory was a Friday afternoon in 1983 when the Air Force declared that the plane was ready for combat.───马林说他最为珍惜的记忆是1983年的一个星期五的下午,那个时候空军宣布F-117具备了作战能力。

4、Of all the special times, Knight's fondest memory is of an ordinary moment savored by his extraordinary friend.───在所有的特别时刻中奈特关于他那非比寻常的朋友最温情的记忆是一个正常人的瞬间。

5、Tim what is your fondest memory of college not basketball related?───蒂姆,在你上大学时,除了篮球,你最美好的回忆是什么?

fondest memory相似词语短语

1、secondary memory───n.[计]辅助存储器

2、core memory───[计]磁心存储器;磁芯存储器

3、extended memory───扩展内存

4、video memory───图象存储器

5、flash memory───闪速存储器

6、fading memory───[医]衰退记忆,消失记忆

7、long-term memory───长期记忆;长时性记忆

8、fond memory───美好的回忆

9、folk memory───民间共同记忆

结语:英语美文欣赏 不论走多远,都不要忘了家人,Our family is our most precious asset and our fondest memory. 家人是我们最宝贵的财富,也是我们最美好的回忆。

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