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clear out中文翻译,clear out是什么意思,clear out发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

clear out中文翻译,clear out是什么意思,clear out发音、用法及例句

1、clear out

clear out发音

英:  美:

clear out中文意思翻译



清除; (使)离开; 洗劫一空; 离家

clear out双语使用场景

1、Clear out things in this cupboard, please.───请把这个碗橱里的东西都清除掉.

2、The cop told the boys to clear out.───警察叫那些男孩子走开.

3、You'd better clear out of here before you cause any more trouble.───趁着还没引起更大的麻烦之前,你赶快离开这儿吧.

4、The best thing would be to clear out, but Xiangzi couldn't bring himself to do this.───最好是跺脚一走.祥子不能走.

5、She turned to the others in the room. "The rest of you clear out of here."───她转身对房间里的其他人说:“你们其余人给我滚出去。”

6、Please clear out the things in the cupboard.───请把碗橱里的东西拿走.

7、" Clear out of this, now.───" 马上把这些东西搬开.

8、She turned to the others in the room. "The rest of you clear out of here."───她转向房间里的其他人,“你们其余的人都滚出去!”

9、You'd better clear out quickly; it's dangerous to stay here any longer.───你还是赶快离开这里,再待下去很危险.

10、You'll have to clear out.───你们只得走了.

11、I've told you a hundred times to clear out those bottles.───我已十遍八遍叫你把那些瓶子清出去了.

12、"Clear out!" he bawled. "Private property!"───“滚出去!”他高声骂道,“这是私人住宅!”

13、Altogether the situation was so unpleasant that Slyme determined to clear out.───总之,处境是太不令人愉快了,所以斯莱姆决定一走了事.

14、I'll clear out that closet for you.───我要替你把那个小衣橱清理出来.

15、" I'm clear out, " he said to Carrie one afternoon.───“ 我是一文不名了,"一天下午, 他对嘉莉说.

16、The police are after you, you'd better clear out!───警察在追踪你, 你最好溜吧!

clear out相似词语短语

1、clear cut───清楚的,明确的;轮廓鲜明的

2、clear outs───走开;把…清出;办理海关出口手续

3、clears out───走开;把…清出;办理海关出口手续

4、clean out───清除,打扫干净


6、clean outs───清除,打扫干净

7、cleared out───走开;把…清出;办理海关出口手续

2、clear away和clear out 区别?

clear away(remove completely)消除,驱散。

The police cleared the crowd away. 警察把人群驱散了。

Please clear away the dinner things. 请把餐具清理一下。

clear out(get rid of;leave)处理掉;离开,出港。

He has cleared out all the rat holes around the house. 他把房子周围的鼠洞都清除掉了。

The ship cleared out at mid-night. 船在午夜起航。

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