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feel me中文翻译,feel me是什么意思,feel me发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

feel me中文翻译,feel me是什么意思,feel me发音、用法及例句

feel me

feel me发音

英:  美:

feel me中文意思翻译




feel me双语使用场景

1、YOU FEEL ME A quick hug, fist pound, high five or belly bump can communicate a wide range of emotions, sometimes more accurately than words.───快速拥抱,拳碰,击掌或撞胸能传达广泛的感情,有时候比语言还要准确得多。

2、My heart right now is on one of those 'here I am, can you FEEL me' feelings. As if you are building up to something?───我的心现在就在那种“此刻我所是”的状态中,你能够感受到我的感受么。还是你在编织思绪继续呢?

3、and people trying to feel me up. Nobody is trying to feel me up.───还有要让我兴致盎然没人想让我兴致盎然

4、You feel me?───你能感到我吗?

5、He began to tell me how, as he lay there comatose , he could hear me talking to him and could feel me holding his hand the whole time.───他开始向我讲述当他躺在床上昏迷不醒的时候,他如何听到我和他讲话,如何感觉我一直握住他的手。

6、If you feel me, please contact me.───如果您感觉我好,请联系我。

7、"Mother, " she called in her sweetest voice. "I am here with you. Can you feel me hugging you? Can you feel how much I love you? "───“妈妈”她用她甜美的声音说“我跟你一起在这里.你可以感觉到我在拥抱你吗?你可以感觉到我有多爱你吗?”

8、The rabbit says, "You feel me first."───兔子说,你先感觉一下我吧。

9、After a few minutes, she thanked me for not leaving. She told me that she just needed to feel me holding her.───几分钟后,她向我道谢我没有离开她,她告诉我她只是要感觉我抱著她。

feel me相似词语短语

1、leeze me───Leeze Me

2、feel like───v.想(做某事)

3、feel joy───感受快乐

4、feel up───振作起来

5、feel out───v.试探出

6、feel well───身体好;感觉舒服

7、feel shame───感到羞愧

8、feel free───随便,轻松

9、feel for───同情;摸索


纯属娱乐的意思。《Feel Me》是汪东城演唱的歌曲。

歌曲由汪东城、陈宥苍作曲,由汪东城作词 ,歌曲MV由赖伟康执导,收录在专辑《你在等什么》中,专辑于2012年8月24日发行。

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