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fall to pieces中文翻译,fall to pieces是什么意思,fall to pieces发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

fall to pieces中文翻译,fall to pieces是什么意思,fall to pieces发音、用法及例句

fall to pieces

fall to pieces发音

英:  美:

fall to pieces中文意思翻译


破碎; 散架


fall to pieces双语使用场景

1、Nigel will fall to pieces if he does not stop working so hard.───奈杰尔如果再这样拼命干下去,身体会垮下来的.

2、Because every time it rains, I fall to pieces.───每一次落雨, 我心中总是无限感慨.

3、They feard that the mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open.───他们担心在剖开时木乃伊会变成碎片.

4、every time it rains, I fall to pieces.───每一次落雨,我心中总是无限感慨。

5、He's worried the business will fall to pieces without him.───他担心没有了他企业将会倒闭。

6、Looks like Avril Lavigne's marriage might soon Fall to Pieces. ""───看起来艾薇儿的婚姻可能很快,“分崩离析. ”

7、Yes I'll go before I fall to pieces.───是的,在我崩溃之前,我将离开.

8、Likewise, some tents last for a long time whereas others fall to pieces rapidly.───同样地,有些帐篷可以延续很长时间,而其它的帐篷很快坍塌成碎片。

9、Do you wear your old clothes until they fall to pieces?───你一直穿你的旧衣服,直到穿烂了为止吗?

10、And so I'll go before I fall to pieces.───所以在我崩溃之间,我将离开.

11、After the death of Napoleon his empire began to fall to pieceS.───拿破仑死后,他的帝国开始土崩瓦解.

fall to pieces相似词语短语

1、collectors pieces───收藏家作品

2、pull to pieces───把……说成一文不值;把……撕成碎片

3、pick to pieces───切成碎片;严厉批评

4、fall into place───依序排列;逐渐被理解

5、thrilled to pieces───激动得支离破碎

6、go to pieces───崩溃;破成碎片;身体垮掉

7、far pieces───远片

8、shot to pieces───重新出发



应该是fall to pieces,不是fall to piece,意思是散架,崩溃,倒塌 ,瓦解 这是艾薇儿·拉维妮(Avril Lavigne)的一首歌。

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