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i dont(i don t中文翻译,i don t是什么意思,i don t发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

i dont(i don t中文翻译,i don t是什么意思,i don t发音、用法及例句)

i don t

i don t发音

英:  美:

i don t中文意思翻译



i don t双语使用场景

1、However, I don't mind spending some of my life trying to save this damned place.───不过,我倒是不介意把自己的一些时间,花在拯救这个该死的地方上。

2、It would be so cool if I can win this contest. I don't think I'm good enough. . . though.───要是我没关系赢了这项角逐的话会有多好。但我不以为自己够好。

3、My life feels so empty. I don't think anyone knew how much we loved each other. The purest most giving love I've ever known.───人们不会了解我们的感情有多么深,这是世间最纯净的爱,上帝啊,我会想死他的。

4、Willie Banks: Well, I don t want to.───克斯:好吧,其实我并不想这么做。

5、"Oh, I don't know, " said the congressman. "How about global warming, universal health care, or stimulus packages? " as he smiled smugly.───“噢,我不知道,”国会议员说:“聊一聊全球变暖,社会医疗或经济刺激计划怎么样?”他洋洋得意地说。

6、I like this style, but I don t like its color.───我喜欢这个款式,但不喜欢这个颜色。

7、I don't know how much of the story is true, but hopefully one day she will be able to get up and tell me her own story.───我不知道这故事的真实性有多少,但我希望有一天她能够起身并亲身告诉我她的故事。

8、I don't mean that this attraction is not good. It is only an additional element to make love perfect, but not love itself.───这种吸引并不是不好,我觉得它是一个让爱情更加完美的元素,但不是爱情。

i don t相似词语短语

1、be done with───完成;与…了结关系

2、hold on to───坚持;紧握;克制

3、held on to───坚持;紧握;克制

4、to donate───捐赠

5、lead on to───引导到

6、led on to───引导到





例句:I don't understand the meaning of this picture.


例句:I didn't see you last night

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