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self sufficiency中文翻译,self sufficiency是什么意思,self sufficiency发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

self sufficiency中文翻译,self sufficiency是什么意思,self sufficiency发音、用法及例句

self sufficiency

self sufficiency发音

英:[ˌself səˈfɪʃnsi]  美:[ˌself səˈfɪʃnsi]

英:  美:

self sufficiency中文意思翻译



self sufficiency双语使用场景

1、Encouraging self sufficiency at each stage of the disaster.───在洪灾的每个阶段都可以自给自足.

2、Almost any exhibition of complete self - sufficiency draws a stunned tribute from me.───这种几乎是完全我行我素的神情总是使我感到目瞪口呆,满心赞佩.

3、Grain self - sufficiency, but the need to import a small portion of wheat.───粮食基本自给, 但需进口一小部分小麦.

4、But self - sufficiency is still a long way off.───但 自给自足 仍还有漫长的路要走.

5、But throughout the colonies, people relied primarily on small farms and self - sufficiency .───但就整个殖民地来说, 人们主要依靠小型农场,过着 自给自足 的生活.

6、Users should embrace the chance for greater technical self - sufficiency .───用户应抓住更大的技术 自给 的机会.

7、However appealing the ideal of self - sufficiency , it is a non - starter in practice.───无论 自给自足 的理想有多么吸引人, 它们在实践中都不可能成功.

8、Self - sufficiency is inefficient and shallow markets are more volatile than deep ones.───自给自足 是不够的,浅显的市场比深层的市场波动性更大.

9、The purpose in all this is to achieve self - sufficiency .───凡此都是为了达到 自给自足 的目的.

10、Self - sufficiency and protectionism go together.───自给自足 与保护主义往往相伴而行.

11、We aim to achieve self sufficiency in energy by 1997.───我们的目标是1997年做到能源自给自足.

12、Our companies, like our bodies, have less need of self sufficiency.───我们的企业就和我们的身体一样, 越来越不需要自给自足了.

13、oil market is now the second largest in the world – 40 per cent larger than Japan's – and it has gone in less than 15 years from self sufficiency to importing half its total supply.───目前,中国是世界第二大石油市场,规模较日本高出40%。 在不到15年的时间里,中国已经从一个石油自给自足的国家,转变为一个全部供应的半数需要进口的国家。

14、Virgo is probably top of the list for self sufficiency, especially the female of the species.───处女座很可能是最独立的星座,尤其是这个星座的女性。

15、But love to God and man eclipsed by pride and self - sufficiency.───但爱上帝和爱人的心被骄傲自满的心所淹没了.

16、They have made great strides towards self - sufficiency .───他们在 自给自足 方面已取得了很大的进步.

17、Nowadays, IKEA is often seen as having connotations of self - sufficiency .───现在, “宜家”经常被视为具有 自给自足 的内涵.

self sufficiency相似词语短语

1、hull efficiency───船体效率

2、fuel efficiency───燃料功率,[能源]燃料效率;燃油效率






8、heat efficiency───[热]热效率;热吸率




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