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play the erhu中文翻译,play the erhu是什么意思,play the erhu发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

play the erhu中文翻译,play the erhu是什么意思,play the erhu发音、用法及例句

play the erhu

play the erhu发音

英:  美:

play the erhu中文意思翻译



play the erhu双语使用场景

1、Listening to music is my hobby and I can also play the Erhu, the piano and the hulusi.───我的爱好是听音乐,我还能演奏二胡,葫芦丝和钢琴。

2、Square along the river enjoy the cool air casual gathering of people, they sing, dance, play the Erhu, and play the Suona, and played a euphemism sweet symphony of urban night.───岸边的广场上聚集了纳凉休闲的人们,他们在唱歌,跳舞,拉二胡的、吹唢呐的,奏响了委婉动听的城市夜晚交响曲。

3、Thus the roles of affection and intellect play a great part in erhu performing due to the special characteristics of erhu.───由于二胡这种乐器有其自身的特点,所以情感与理智的作用在二胡演奏中显得尤为突出。

play the erhu相似词语短语

1、play the game───玩游戏;行动光明正大;遵守比赛规则

2、play therapy───[心理]游戏疗法

3、play the fool───v.扮丑角;演滑稽角色;干蠢事

4、play the flute───吹长笛;吹笛子

5、play the harp───弹竖琴

6、play the cello───拉大提琴

7、pay the bill───付账

8、play the field───不专一;滥交情人

9、play the market───投机行为;投机倒把

play erhu和play the erhu,应该选哪个


如play the guitar

play the piano


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