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special olympics中文翻译,special olympics是什么意思,special olympics发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

special olympics中文翻译,special olympics是什么意思,special olympics发音、用法及例句

special olympics

special olympics发音

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special olympics中文意思翻译




special olympics双语使用场景

1、She started the Special Olympics for athletes with mental disabilities.───她为智障运动员创办了特殊奥运会.

2、The Special Olympics is also a good way to make friends.───特殊奥运会也是交友的一种方式.

3、He thinks that the Special Olympics are a wonderful program that gives an opportunity to shine to people with disabilities from around the world," Burton said.───伯顿说:“他认为特奥会是一个了不起的体育赛事,为世界各地的残障人士提供了一个展示自己的机会。”

4、If that weren't true, I may have squeamishly helped out at Special Olympics once or twice.───如果不是这样, 我也许几次在残奥会上做助手时会战战兢兢.

5、Athletes at the Special Olympics are fighters in more than one way.───特奥运动员是战士,体现在许多方面.

6、I want to watch the games cheer for these Special Olympics athletes.───我很想去看特奥运动员们的比赛,为他们加油.

7、She won medals running races in Special Olympics.───她在特殊奥运会赛跑中赢得奖牌.

8、The entire city of Shanghai seemed to embrace the event, with signs urging citizens to welcome visitors all over town, and every cab driver wearing Special Olympics t shirts.───整个上海市都在融入了这场盛会,敦促市民欢迎访客的标语随处可见,出租司机也都换上了为特奥会特制的T恤衫。

9、Go play in the golfing version of the Special Olympics.───去参加特奥版本的高尔夫赛事吧.

10、Do you know that 2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games will be held in Shanghai?───你知道2007年世界特殊奥运会明年将在上海举行 吗 ?

11、My dad volunteered with the Special Olympics when I was young, and both of my parents always spoke with an understanding and sensitivity to others.───我小时候,我父亲就在残疾人奥运会时当过志愿者。 他们总是以一种理解和感知的心态与他人交流。

12、The Shanghai Special Olympics was successfully held.───上海特奥会成功举办.

special olympics相似词语短语

1、special collections───特色馆藏(specialcollection的名词复数)

2、Special Olympics───特殊奥林匹克运动会

3、special licence───[贸易]特别许可证

4、special clearing───特别清算

5、Special Olympian───特殊奥林匹克运动会(SpecialOlympics的变形)

6、special juries───特别陪审团

7、special exemption───特别豁免

8、special pleadings───诡辩法

9、special clearings───特别清理


特奥会,全称为特殊奥林匹克会(Special Olympics),是世界上最大的、以智力残疾人士为对象的体育赛事和组织之一。



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