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take to中文翻译,take to是什么意思,take to发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

take to中文翻译,take to是什么意思,take to发音、用法及例句

1、take to

take to发音

英:  美:

take to中文意思翻译


喜欢; 习惯于…; 开始从事; 觉得(某事)容易学


take to双语使用场景

1、He was forced to take to his bed for ten days.───他被迫卧床十天.

2、We parceled up some games and toys to take to the Children Home at Christmas.───圣诞节的时候,我们把一些娱乐用具包装起来送到儿童之家去.

3、Rejected suitors take to roaming as naturally as unhived bees.───求婚的人,受了拒绝,就和无窠可归的密蜂一般,自然要任意游荡了.

4、When did Emma take to smoking?───艾玛是在什么时候开始抽烟的 呢 ?

5、Ah Ch'ou asked how long it would take to straighten up the room.───阿丑问,收拾房间要多少时候.

6、How many days will it take to finish the work?───几天可以完工?

7、Did the children take to him?───孩子们喜欢上他了么?

8、How long does it take to qualify?───多长时间才能取得资格?

9、I had to take to my bed with a bad cold last week.───上周我重伤风,只好卧病在床.

10、How long does it take to fly from London to Paris?───从伦敦飞往巴黎需要多久?

11、What measures shall we take to find out the thief?───我们采取什么措施抓住那个贼?

12、I entrusted him with a hundred pounds to take to the bank.───我委托他把100英镑存入银行.

13、" Well, now, just how much money would it take to buy a half interest here? "───“ 那么, 这个, 买一半股权要多少钱 呢?

14、children take to him?───孩子们喜欢上他了吗?

15、estimate how many steps it will take to get to a close object.───估计一下需要多少步才能到达一个近距目标。

16、The doctor told him to take to his bed.───医生叫他卧床休息.

17、How many man - days will it take to complete this project?───这项工作需要多少个工?

18、How many balloons would it take to lift a boy off of the ground?───需要多少颗汽球才能将小男孩抬离地面?

take to相似词语短语

1、take in───吸收;领会;欺骗;接待;接受;理解;拘留;欺骗;让…进入;改短

2、take it───拿去,接受;猜想,以为;带走它

3、take up───拿起;开始从事;占据(时间,地方)

4、take for───认为;以为

5、taken to───喜欢;走向;开始从事

6、take on───承担;呈现;具有;流行;接纳;雇用;穿上

7、takes to───喜欢;走向;开始从事

8、take ten───小憩

9、take stock───清查存货;评估状况



1、It takes me quite a long time to understand.


2、It takes us an hour to do our homework every day.


It takes sb.(some time) to do sth.意思是:某人花了…时间做某事





3、take表示“花费时间”之意,其常用句型为“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”,意为“某人花多少时间做某事”,注意后面的动词前的to不可丢掉。


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