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round about中文翻译,round about是什么意思,round about发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

round about中文翻译,round about是什么意思,round about发音、用法及例句

round about

round about发音

英:  美:

round about中文意思翻译




round about常用词组:

in a roundabout way───以一种转弯抹角的方式

round about双语使用场景

1、Round about the beginning of winter he got drunk again.───在立冬前后吧,他又喝醉.

2、I'll put a girdle round about the earth in forty minutes.───我可以在四十分钟内环绕世界一周.

3、Round about , piles of limestone glistened in all the the colours of the rainbow.───四周成堆的石灰石闪耀着彩虹般的缤纷色彩.

4、They arrived round about 7 o'clock.───他们约在七时抵达.

5、We're leaving round about midday.───我们要在中午前后走.

6、A creeper was entwined ( a ) round [ about ] the pillar.───一根 攀缘 植物缠绕在柱子上.

7、It'll cost you round about £1000.───那要花掉你大约1000英镑.

8、There were genuine wooden and iron implements , and were prominently disposed round about the figure.───那就是真木器和真铁器, 醒目地放在像身周围.

9、It was a round about the size of a crown piece.───那是一张圆纸片,大小如一克朗的银元.

10、Round about him, not a leaf stirred.───他的四周,连一片叶子也没有动。

11、Joe's ghost is round about there, certain.───乔的鬼魂肯定就在附近。

12、Injun Joe's ghost is round about there, certain. "───印第安-乔的鬼魂就在附近, 肯定在. ”

13、I have had some experience of the great Cuff's round - about ways.───我对这位神通广大的卡夫的门道也摸透了几分.

14、Round about , piles of lime - stone glistened in all the colours of the rainbow.───周围一堆堆的石灰石,在彩虹一样的斑斓色彩中闪闪发光.

15、We're leaving round about ten.───我们十点钟左右出发。

16、He came round about to these conclusions.───他兜了半天圈子,才得出这些结论.

17、A new roof will cost round about 1000.───换新顶篷需要1000英镑左右.

18、Art thou like the Black Man that haunts the forest round about us?───你打算像那个在森林里作祟的黑男人一样纠缠着我们 吗 ?

round about相似词语短语

1、run about───乱跑,到处跑


3、gone about───v.着手做;四处走动;传开;从事

4、going about───迎风转向

5、runs about───乱跑,到处跑

6、round out───完成


8、around about───大约



roundabout 英[ˈraʊndəbaʊt]


n. (交通) 环岛; (游乐设施) 旋转平台;

adj. 迂回的; 间接的; 兜圈子的;

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