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unit of account中文翻译,unit of account是什么意思,unit of account发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

unit of account中文翻译,unit of account是什么意思,unit of account发音、用法及例句

unit of account

unit of account发音

英:  美:

unit of account中文意思翻译


国际记账单位,记账单位; 记算单位


unit of account双语使用场景

1、Although that is useful shorthand, the SDR is not, in fact, a currency, but rather the IMF's unit of account.───尽管SDR作为简记很有用,但它实际上并不是真正的货币,而是IMF的一种记账单位。

2、is the unit of account for commodities such as crude oil that are traded globally.───美元是世界范围内众多商品(比如原油)的计价单位。

3、Money provides a unit of account that serves as a standard to measure & # 118 alue.───钱是一种计算单位,用这个计算单位可作为衡量价值的标准.

4、Basket unit of account: A unit of account linked to a Basket of currencies.───多种货币记帐单位,货币篮子记帐单位: 与货币篮子相关的记帐单位.

5、Means of payment, store of value and unit of account are the functions of currency.───而货币的功能是支付手段, 贮藏财富手段和计算单位.

6、Money - A means of exchange, store of value, and unit of account within an economy.───钱 - 一种手段交换, 存储的价值, 单位帐户内的经济.

7、Gold is no longer the unit of account of the SDR.───黄金不再是特别提款权(SDR)的计算单位.

8、We accept money as a means of payment, as a unit of account and, most importantly in this context, as a store of value.───我们接受货币作为支付手段,作为价值尺度,以及在当前背景下最重要的是,作为价值储藏手段。

unit of account相似词语短语

1、book of accounts───n.[会计]帐簿

2、charts of accounts───[会计]会计科目表

3、money of accounts───[金融]记帐货币

4、money of account───[金融]记帐货币

5、chart of accounts───[会计]会计科目表

6、control account───统驭帐户

7、book of account───n.[会计]帐簿

8、books of account───帐簿

9、unit of accounts───[会计]记帐单位;记算单位



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