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in defense of中文翻译,in defense of是什么意思,in defense of发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

in defense of中文翻译,in defense of是什么意思,in defense of发音、用法及例句

in defense of

in defense of发音

英:  美:

in defense of中文意思翻译



[法] 为。。。辩护, 为保证。。。

in defense of双语使用场景

1、He speaks boldly in defense of justice.───他仗义执言.

2、Is there any man to fight in defense of his country?───难道有谁不愿为保卫祖国而战 吗 ?

3、Lexicostatistics has been used in defense of the traditional family tree.───词汇统计已用于传统家谱的防御。

4、She spoke up in defense of her political beliefs.───她为她的政见力辩.

5、Thousands worldwide stepped forward in defense of truth, honesty, and integrity.───世界各地数千人挺身而出,捍卫真理, 诚实, 和正直.

6、They had to fight in defense of hearth and home.───我们必须为保卫家园而战.

7、And at some point, corporations are willing to stand up in defense of those corporate values.───而且在一些情况下, 公司愿意站出来捍卫这些准则.

8、He gave his life in defense of his country.───他在保卫祖国的时候付出了生命.

9、Organized workers in positions of privilege, including many in the public sector, fight the hardest and squeal the most in defense of their benefits.───有组织的处于特权地位的工人,包括许多公共部门的工人,为捍卫自己的利益而进行最激烈的斗争。

10、Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty.───许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲.

11、We should show respect for many soldiers who died in defense of the country in the China's War of Liberation.───我们应该尊重在中国解放战争中为保卫祖国而牺牲的战士。

in defense of相似词语短语

1、in case of───万一;如果发生;假设

2、in advance of───超过;在…前面

3、in deference to───鉴于;听从

4、on defense───论防卫

5、in dire need of───adv.急需

6、in defiance of───不顾,无视

7、in default of───因缺少;在缺少…时

8、in course of───正在…过程中

9、in despite of───尽管;不管





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