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out of shape中文翻译,out of shape是什么意思,out of shape发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

out of shape中文翻译,out of shape是什么意思,out of shape发音、用法及例句

out of shape

out of shape发音

英:  美:

out of shape中文意思翻译



out of shape双语使用场景

1、I weighed 245 pounds and was out of shape.───我那时体重245磅,健康状况不佳。

2、The shoes were worn out of shape.───把鞋穿走形了.

3、The box was crushed out of shape.───这箱子被压得不成型了.

4、What are you getting so bent out of shape for?───你老兄火气干嘛那么大?

5、Take exercise if you're out of shape.───身体不好就要锻炼.

6、The sideboard of the truck has been knocked out of shape.───卡车的车帮被撞得变了形.

7、The pullover stretched ( ie out of shape ) after I had worn it a few times.───这件套头毛衣我穿了几次之后就撑大了 ( 变形了 ).

8、The box has been crushed out of shape.───这箱子压得变形了.

9、Huh! I am really out - of - shape . Why aren't you out - of - breath?───呼!呼! 我真的不行了, 为什么你一点都不会气喘如牛 呢 ?

10、I have been out of shape ever since I left the army.───自从我离开军队后,我的身体一直很差.

11、The candles on the table melted out of shape.───桌子上的蜡烛融化的变了形.

12、The front wheel of the bicycle was out of shape.───自行车的前轮变形了.

13、The wheel had been twisted out of shape.───轮子已经扭曲变形了。

14、The knives were bent out of shape.───那些刀已经弯曲变形了。

15、John's jacket got out of shape because of the heavy rain.───约翰的夹克因为大雨而变形.

16、Shirley : Yes, my best friend is a little out of shape now.───雪莉: 我的好朋友有点发胖了.

17、The suit has shrunk out of shape.───这套衣服皱缩得不成样子.

18、Once most wires are bent out of shape, they don't return to the original position.───大多数金属丝一旦弯曲变形就无法恢复原状。

out of shape相似词语短语

1、bent out of shape───气坏了;大发雷霆

2、out of place───adj.不合适的;不相称的;不在适当的位置

3、out of whack───不正常;不一致;(美口)紊乱

4、out of date───过时的;过期的;废弃的

5、out of step───不合拍;步调不一致

6、out of scale───不成比例;不相称

7、out of square───不成直角;不一致,不规则

8、out of hand───无法控制;脱手,告终;立即

9、out of phase───异相地;不协调地


out of shape变形,不在最佳状态尤指运动员状态不好,或者一般人的体形发福比如:I need to exercise more as I'm out of shape now.

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