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goodidea(good ideal中文翻译,good ideal是什么意思,good ideal发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

goodidea(good ideal中文翻译,good ideal是什么意思,good ideal发音、用法及例句)

good ideal

good ideal发音

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good ideal中文意思翻译



good ideal双语使用场景

1、There is a good ideal; there will be a good future.───有一个好的理想,就有一个好的未来。

2、Actually, the strong will has not made the prop, the good ideal cannot pay it to realize.───其实,没有坚强的意志做支柱,再好的理想也不能付之实现。

3、In other words must create the poetry must create the good ideal condition to come.───也就是说要创造好的诗词就要创造出好的意境来。

4、What a good ideal!───很好的建议!

5、She wont convergence of the stupid and mocked them rdominating self-improvement and self-reliance, shows the personality and good ideal.───她蔑视权贵的骄横,嘲笑他们的愚蠢,显示出自强自立的人格和美好的理想。

6、It sounds like to be a good ideal.───听起来是个不错的主意。

7、It is a good ideal, but the conditions are not ripe in the foreseeable future.───虽然理想,但在较长时间里尚无条件。

good ideal相似词语短语

1、good health───身体健康

2、good deal───划算,好交易

3、good idea───好主意,好想法;妙计

4、good read───好书

5、good day───日安(白天见面或分手时的招呼)

6、ego ideal───自我理想


8、good side───好的一面

9、good deed───善事,好事

it is a good idea to check your vocabularynotebook every day这句话怎么分析


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