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willow tree中文翻译,willow tree是什么意思,willow tree发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

willow tree中文翻译,willow tree是什么意思,willow tree发音、用法及例句

1、willow tree

willow tree发音

英:  美:

willow tree中文意思翻译



willow tree双语使用场景

1、He to walk along the brook, through every willow tree and walk up to the mountain.───他必须沿著溪畔, 走过每一棵柳树,接著往山的方向走去.

2、Demdaco Willow Tree.───雕像柳树。

3、I sat on a park bench near a willow tree.───我在公园里找了一张长椅坐下,就在一棵柳树旁.

4、The Jinan City is a willow tree, is the lotus flower.───济南的市树是柳树, 市花是荷花.

5、He really admired the big willow tree south of the house.───他很崇拜房子南面的那颗大柳树。

6、The willow tree is by the well.───柳树在井边.

7、This chair grows in a sliding flower trough, and each "foot" grows a willow tree.───这把椅子长在一个可滑动的花槽里,每只“脚”长出一株柳树。

willow tree相似词语短语

1、gallows trees───绞刑架

2、gallows tree───绞刑架

3、tallow trees───乌桕

4、gallow trees───绞刑树


6、gallow tree───绞刑树

7、willow tits───柳树山雀

8、willow tit───柳树山雀

9、tallow tree───乌桕


The poem "Liu Yang" is a famous Chinese poem written by Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi. The poem describes the beauty of willow trees and expresses the poet's admiration for their graceful and slender branches.

In the poem, Bai Juyi uses vivid imagery to describe the willow tree. He writes about how the willow tree sways gently in the breeze, its branches swaying like dancing girls. He also compares the willow tree to a woman, saying that it has "a graceful figure" and is "like a woman with long hair."

The poem is not just about the beauty of the willow tree, but also about the poet's emotions. Bai Juyi was feeling nostalgic and homesick when he wrote this poem, and he uses the willow tree as a symbol of his longing for home.

Overall, "Liu Yang" is a beautiful and poignant poem that showcases Bai Juyi's talent as a poet. It is still widely read and admired today for its elegance and emotional depth.

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