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ambient temperature中文翻译,ambient temperature是什么意思,ambient temperature发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

ambient temperature中文翻译,ambient temperature是什么意思,ambient temperature发音、用法及例句

1、ambient temperature

ambient temperature发音

英:  美:

ambient temperature中文意思翻译



环境温度; 背景温度; 周围介质温度; 周围温度

ambient temperature双语使用场景

1、The ambient temperature under installation should not be below 0℃.───电缆敷设时环境温度应不低于0℃.

2、Monitor respiration rate of boars anytime ambient temperature 26 o C.───在环境温度≥26℃时要观察公猪的呼吸速度.

3、Swelling and porosity of the propellant mixture became evident after 6 days at ambient temperature.───在室温下将药柱放置6天后,推进剂呈现膨胀和气孔.

4、In fact, the temperature ( or ambient temperature ) makes no difference at all.───事实上, 体温 ( 或是周围的温度 ) 对于感冒与否并无影响.

5、So various factors, from eating to circulatory health to the ambient temperature, play a part in how long you could go without water.───因此,从饮食到循环系统的健康再到环境温度,众多的因素决定了一个人在脱水的情况下能存活多久。

6、Requirements of ambient temperature of highest 36.6 and lowest - 40.2 shall be met.───必须满足最高36.6,最低-40.2环境温度的要求.

7、Free from the influence of ambient temperature, it is stable and reliable.───不受环境温度影响, 稳定可靠.

8、The maximum ambient temperature and fluid temperature.───最高环境温度与流体温度.

9、The web had fractured when the ambient temperature was between - 12℃ and - 23℃.───环境温度在 - 12℃―-23℃时腹板已经发生断裂.

10、The ambient temperature shall be measured by means of a thermocouple.───灯具工作现场的温度应当采取热电偶的方式来测.

11、The higher the ambient temperature, the better the energy saving.───环境温度越高, 节能效果越好.

12、Relative humidity in the 35 - 95 % range, the ambient temperature ≤ 38 ℃ can work properly.───在环境相对湿度35-95%范围内, 环境温度≤38℃时能正常工作.

13、The title compound has been obtained by the reaction of copper powder with sulfur powder, potassium sulfide and 3-methylpyridine at ambient temperature and normal atmosphere.───采用铜粉、硫粉、硫化钾及3-甲基吡啶在常湿、常温下直接合成了标题化合物。

14、Due to the low cost of the battery cells and excellent performance at ambient temperature, Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery is a promising technology for propulsion applications.───由于此蓄电池的低成本和在环境温度下的优秀性能,锂电池将会在推进力应用的技术上有广泛的前途。

15、Another ambient temperature sensor is the vapor - filled bellows.───另一种空气温度传感器是充气波纹管.

16、Film form - ing mechanism of ambient temperature blackening.───并重点对常温发黑、化发黑、化发黑的成膜机理、层性能特点及应用情况作了说明.

17、Ambient Temperature - vehicle - line machine, push - hands crossed machines, self - line machines.───常温型车载式划线机 、 手推 式 划线机 、 自走式划线机等.

18、Heat stroke was induced by exposing animals to a high ambient temperature of 40℃.───热中暑之诱发则是将白兔暴置于摄氏四十度的高温环境中.

ambient temperature相似词语短语

1、Curie temperature───[电磁]居里温度;居里点

2、absolute temperature───[物]绝对温度

3、constant temperature───[热]恒温;定温;等温

4、core temperature───核心温度;中心温度

5、air temperature───[气象]气温,[气象]空气温度

6、high temperature───[物]高温

7、body temperature───[生理]体温

8、Néel temperature───奈尔温度

9、Curie temperatures───[电磁]居里温度;居里点


标准编号:GB/T228-2002 标准名称:金属材料室温拉伸试验方法 标准状态:现行 英文标题:Metallicmaterials--Tensiletestingatambienttemperature 替代情况:GB/T228-1987GB/T3076-1982GB/T6397-1986 实施日期:2002-7-1 颁布部门:中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 内容简介:本标准规定了金属材料拉伸试验方法的原理、定义、符号和说明、试样及其尺寸测量、试验设备、试验要求、性能测定、测定结果数值修约和试验报告。


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