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tomorrow night中文翻译,tomorrow night是什么意思,tomorrow night发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

tomorrow night中文翻译,tomorrow night是什么意思,tomorrow night发音、用法及例句

tomorrow night

tomorrow night发音

英:  美:

tomorrow night中文意思翻译



tomorrow night双语使用场景

1、Do I have to? I'm going to finish it tomorrow night.───我必须去做 吗 ?我想明天晚上把它做完.

2、Probably we'll want something healthier tomorrow night , though.───也许明晚我们可以吃点更健康的.

3、We'll call you all tomorrow night.───我们明天晚上打电话给你们.

4、We can have a little signing ceremony tomorrow night.───明天晚上我们可能举行个简单的签字仪式.

5、Tomorrow night we'll be camping out in tents.───明天晚上我们将露宿在帐蓬里.

6、you doing anything tomorrow night?───明晚你有事吗?

7、Do you think you'll go to night school tomorrow night?───你明天晚上打算去夜校 吗 ?

8、See you tomorrow night. Must dash now.───明天晚上见,我得赶快走了。

9、I've got a date with Lucy tomorrow night.───明天晚上我与露西有个约会。

10、I shan't be back before tomorrow night.───我要到明天晚上才回来.

11、Tune in to London tomorrow night at seven.───明晚七点调到伦敦电台收听.

12、Do you think you'll go to the movies tomorrow night?───明天晚上你会去看** 吗 ?

13、But you may wear my garnet necklace tomorrow night. "───不过,明晚你可以戴上我的那条石榴红的项链.

14、Listen to the next exciting episode tomorrow night.───请于明晚收听精采的下一集.

15、Fanny Elsing is getting married tomorrow night and, of course, you must attend.───范妮-埃尔辛明天晚上要结婚了.当然, 你应该参加婚礼.

16、I'll invite you all to watch another show tomorrow night. "───我明晚上再请你们看. ”

17、I'm working late tomorrow night.───明晚我要工作到很晚。

18、Are you going to have dinner at home tomorrow night?───明天晚上你会在家吃晚餐 吗 ?

tomorrow night相似词语短语

1、good night───晚安,再见

2、school night───上学的晚上

3、bonfire night───(英)篝火之夜(11月5日)

4、throw weight───发射重量


6、borrow pit───[建]取土坑,借土坑;取土炕

7、grow light───植物生长灯;生长灯

8、cool night───凉爽的夜晚

9、tomorrow evening───明天晚上

Tomorrow night前面加什么介词?

在英语中,表示“在明天晚上”通常使用介词 "on" 加上 "tomorrow night",即 "on tomorrow night"。这是因为在英语中,当我们在日期前使用 "tomorrow" 时,我们通常会使用 "on" 这个介词来指定具体的时间点。

所以,正确的表达是 "on tomorrow night"。

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