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prepaid card中文翻译,prepaid card是什么意思,prepaid card发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

prepaid card中文翻译,prepaid card是什么意思,prepaid card发音、用法及例句

prepaid card

prepaid card发音

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prepaid card中文意思翻译



prepaid card双语使用场景

1、Another innovation, a prepaid card system for electricity, eliminated delays in payments by water user association (WUA) members.───另外一项创新,即电费预付卡制度,消除了水源使用者协会(WUA)成员延迟付费的现象。

2、buy online prepaid card recharge, 24-hour automatic delivery.───在线购买充值卡即可充值,24小时自动发货。

3、Many gas stations and convenience stores in Asia offer prepaid card.───亚洲许多加油站和便利商店提供了预付卡。

4、mobile phone prepaid card may also be purchased here.───也可为您安排购买“手机预付卡”。

5、Prepaid Card System in the following condition(s).───已付下面的条件卡系统(S)。

6、In Asia Pacific, especially in China, the credit-card system is virtually non-existent, and the prepaid card systems are the norm.───在亚太地区,尤其是中国,信用卡系统还没有普及,预付费卡系统是主要的付费方法。

7、Many credit card companies will give a prepaid card to teens under 18 if a parent funds the card and is responsible for payments.───如果你的父母有资金开并愿意负责的话,许多信用卡公司将提供预付费卡给那些18周岁以下的青少年。

8、People between the age of 18 to 34 are more likely than other age groups to consider using a prepaid card instead of a checking account.───18岁到34岁的人,比其他年龄层的人更愿意使用预付卡,而不是活期银行帐户。好的,今天我们学习的词是

9、You can buy a prepaid card to control the expense.───你可以买预付卡来控制花费啊。

prepaid card相似词语短语

1、redded card───保存的卡

2、record card───记录卡;登记卡

3、press card───记者证

4、red card───n.红牌

5、prepared food───预制食品;方便食品;预加工食品

6、credit card───信用卡;记帐卡

7、report card───成绩单;工作报告

8、graphics card───图形卡;显示卡

9、greeting card───贺卡


1. 银行卡的种类有很多。

2. 银行卡的种类包括借记卡、信用卡、预付卡等。


3. 此外,还有一些特殊用途的银行卡,如旅游卡、学生卡等,它们针对特定人群或特定需求提供了相应的服务和优惠。


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