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ice sheet中文翻译,ice sheet是什么意思,ice sheet发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

ice sheet中文翻译,ice sheet是什么意思,ice sheet发音、用法及例句

ice sheet

ice sheet发音

英:[ˈaɪs ʃiːt]  美:[ˈaɪs ʃiːt]

英:  美:

ice sheet中文意思翻译




ice sheet双语使用场景

1、In the real world, ice - sheet disintegration is driven by highly nonlinear processes and feedbacks.───在真实世界, 冰原的崩裂受到高度的非线性进程与回馈的驱动.

2、The melting of Greenland's ice sheet is accelerating, threatening an increasing rise in sea levels.───格陵兰岛冰层的融化速度正在加快, 可能导致海平面加速上升.

3、China's automatic space observatory at Dome point of the Antarctic ice sheet , has been successfully completed.───中国成功地在南极内陆冰穹A上 建立了天文自动观测站.

4、The giant Greenland ice sheet may be more resistant to temperature rise than experts realised.───也许广袤的格林兰冰原对温度升高的抵御能力比专家们估计的要强得多.

5、The satellite USES radar to measure its altitude above the ice sheet.───用雷达测定卫星从冰层顶部算起的高度。

6、The only uncertainty is the time it would take for complete ice sheet disintegration.───唯一不确定的是要多久完整的冰层才会分崩离析.

7、As the ice sheet grows and thickens it chills the nearby air.───随着冰盖越来越大,越来越厚,周围的空气也冷了起来。

8、The ice sheet covering the North Pole is melting.───北极覆盖的冰层正在融化.

9、It would take the melting of an ice sheet to do that.───但是,一个大冰原的融化就不同了。

10、The West Antarctica ice sheet currently covers more than nine - hundred - thousand square kilometers.───目前,南极洲西部的冰块覆盖了 900000 多平方千米.

11、But the Greenland ice sheet is not one solid, smooth mass of ice.───但是,格陵兰冰盖不是一个牢固光滑的冰体。

12、It is not simply that the ice sheet is melting steadily as global temperatures rise.───这并不仅仅是说随着全球气温升高,冰盖在稳步融化.

13、There are about 98 % thick continental ice sheet and 2 % barren rock.───南极约98%覆盖着厚厚的大陆冰床,2%为光秃的岩石.

14、And once large - scale ice - sheet breakup is under way, it will be impractical to stop.───一旦冰原开始大范围破裂, 就很难停止.

15、Ice streams moving through ice sheet leave crevasses at their sides as they lurch forward.───冰流穿越冰原而移动,当它踉跄前进时,会在两侧留下冰隙并形成缺口.

16、Those mineral resources becoming easier to get out as the ice sheet melt.───由于冰层融化,矿产资源更容易运出.

17、The blue diamond is one vivid pointer the antiquity of the Greenland ice sheet.───蓝钻石是显示格陵兰冰盖有多古老的生动指针.

18、The Greenland ice sheet is not merely being melted from above by warmer air temperatures.───格陵兰冰盖不只因气温的升高而从上面融化.

ice sheet相似词语短语

1、cue sheet───提示表,节目进行表

2、ice shelf───[海洋]冰架,陆架冰;冰棚

3、ice sheets───[地理][水文]冰原;[地理][水文]冰盖;冰川

4、crime sheet───处罚记录

5、ice shelves───[海洋]冰架,陆架冰;冰棚

6、score sheet───记录纸;记分表

7、ice chest───冰箱,冰库

8、ice feet───冰脚

9、time sheet───工作时间记录表(等于timecard)




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