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authored by中文翻译,authored by是什么意思,authored by发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

authored by中文翻译,authored by是什么意思,authored by发音、用法及例句

1、authored by

authored by发音

英:  美:

authored by中文意思翻译



authored by双语使用场景

1、The report co-authored by Mr Cable says Britain should work "with its international partners" when examining whether to break up banks.───由Cable先生等联合起草的提案认为,在拆分银行方面,英国应该和“国际伙伴”一起合作。

2、IBM Press publishes books about IBM products, often authored by IBM employees.───IBM Press出版了许多关于IBM产品的图书,这些书通常是由IBM员工撰写的。

3、The article had been authored by Raymond Kennedy. He read it right through, looking for any scrap of information that might have passed him by.───这篇文章是由雷蒙德·肯尼迪写的。他从头一直读到尾,寻找任何可能遗漏的点滴信息。

4、Or search for documents you read which were authored by Sue and related to project X, in the last month.───或者搜索上个月你读过的作者休撰写的与x项目相关的文档。

5、Viruses authored by members of this group were usually extremely primitive and the code contained a large number of errors.───由本组成员撰写病毒通常是非常原始的代码包含了大量的错误。

6、A fascinating new study, co-authored by Solon, looks at a remarkable set of data on adopted Swedish children.───索伦与他人合著的一份有趣的新研究报告,探讨了一组关于瑞典领养儿童的数据。

7、Washington sent to Hamilton a draft, parts of which had been authored by James Madison four years earlier (prematurely as it turned out).───华盛顿寄给汉密尔顿一份草稿,其中一部分为詹姆斯·麦迪逊四年前所写(后证明时机尚不成熟)。

8、This book is a scientific reference work and was chosen by a special committee in the United States as the best book authored by one person.───这是一本学术参考书,曾被美国一个特别委员会选为“最佳个人作品”。

9、Commissioned by Which? , a consumer lobbying group, and authored by a handful of worthies, most of its suggestions are not new.───在这份受某消费者游说团体委托,由许多大人物起草的提案中,大多数建议都是老生常谈。

authored by相似词语短语



3、abided by───遵守;信守;承担…的后果

4、put store by───存放在







电子商务的状态: 线上购物趋势

在一项检查现在的电子商务市场的大范围的研究中, comScore 网络审查一不同组的购物者的行为和态度。给 "权力精密的上升购物机器",新的研究追踪了像宽频用法的效果一样的因素,购物新的和富有经验的网络使用者 , 和趋势之间的不同对电子商务的未来那点。

研究是 comScore 副总裁丹 Hess 的 authored,藉由 comScore 分析家葛兰姆 Mudd 的协助。 Mudd 和关于研究的数据电子商务引导者说。

第一,一个大的照片迅速射击: 线上购物继续在健康的修剪生长。 资讯科技去年到达了总数为六百五十亿元,跳跃比前一年高的 26% 。 (见到图 1)

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