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提取英语(extra time中文翻译,extra time是什么意思,extra time发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

提取英语(extra time中文翻译,extra time是什么意思,extra time发音、用法及例句)

1、extra time

extra time发音

英:[ˌekstrə ˈtaɪm]  美:[ˌekstrə ˈtaɪm]

英:  美:

extra time中文意思翻译


加时赛; 额外时间


extra time双语使用场景

1、You could with profIt'spend some extra time studying the text.───你多花点时间学习课文是有好处的.

2、Can I have extra time to finish my work?───我能有额外的时间来完成我的工作 吗 ?

3、You have to with profIt'spend some extra time absorbing a foreign language.───你额外花些时间温习英语是有好处的.

4、Gough scored the winner in extra time.───高夫在加时赛中攻入制胜球。

5、The deciding goal was struck by Freddie Ljungberg 13 minutes from the end of extra time.───决定胜负的一球在加时赛结束前13分钟被弗雷迪·永贝里打入.

6、Police warned motorists to allow extra time to get to work.───警察告诫开车上下班的人要留出富余时间。

7、Always set aside some extra time in case something unexpected happens.───始终预留一些额外时间,以防止一些意想不到的事情发生.

8、Jo : So you could say'China beat Japan in extra time with a golden goal.'───就是说 “ 中国足球队在加时赛中金球制胜,击败了日本队”.

9、They won by a single goal after extra time.───他们在加时赛中仅踢进一球即获胜。

10、All I'm asking is the courtesy of a little extra time.───我所要求的,就是一个小小的额外时间的待遇.

11、Michael: I may need the extra time to finish all this homework you gave us.───迈克尔: 我可能要来生才能完成您给我们留的家庭作业.

12、But isn't this rare event one when the extra time required is easily justified?───但是仅仅因为需要额外的时间,这种不多见的情况就不正当了 吗 ?

13、Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.───给自己时间做有趣的事情及去有趣的地方.

14、He was clearly injured and limping in extra time and carried on heroically.───加时赛中他显然是受伤了,但是拖着伤腿坚持了下去.

15、Liverpool had won the game in extra time.───利物浦队通过加时赛赢得了比赛。

16、I can't seem to get it home to my son that extra time spent studying now will pay off in the future.───我似乎无法使儿子明白,现在花在学习上的额外时间将来会有报偿的.

17、The match went into extra time.───足球赛进入了加时赛.

18、The teams were level at the end of extra time.───加时赛结束时,两队比分平了.

19、Police warned motorists to allow extra time to get to work.───警方告诫驾车者出门上班要留出富余时间。

20、Who would take extra time out to flirt just when the lines are longer?───在等候队伍变长时,谁会有抽空去调情 呢 ?

21、Surely this extra time would relieve the tremendous pressure which we live.───当然,这些额外的时间会减轻我们生活中的巨大压力。

22、Experts say students with dyscalculia need extra time to complete their work.───专家指出,患有计算器障碍的学生需要更多的时间来完成他们的功课.

23、The referee may add extra time for time lost through injuries.───裁判可以因受伤引起的时间损耗而加时.

24、Lisa: Your job must be demanding, with you having to work so extra time.───莉萨: 你的工作量很大哦, 要你常常加班.

25、Most pilots had already flown extra time because of delays caused by heavy traffic.───由于交通拥挤,引起晚点,他们中间大部分人已经多飞了许多时候.

26、They never complain about working extra time to anybody.───他们加班加点工作,从不向任何人抱怨.

extra time相似词语短语

1、extra edge───额外边缘



4、extra care───额外的照顾;格外小心

5、extra times───额外时间;加赛时间


7、extra zing───额外的


9、at a time───一次;每次;在某时




Would you work overtime today?


We are paid double time for working after 5:00pm.


We get extra time off in lieu of payment for working overtime.


I need to finish up this project I've been working on. So I guess I am going to work through the night.我得把手头上这个项目做完,我想我得熬夜了。

We all need some down time.我们都需要时间放松放松。

You know how you have to "defragment" your computer? Well, sometimes our brains need some defragmenting, too!


I want the boss to notice my devotion! The economy is not great these days and I don't want to get laid off!我希望老板能注意到我很敬业,现在经济形势不好,我可不想被解雇。

Nothing pisses me off more than having to stay late and work unpaid overtime.我最烦的就是加班,而且是没有加班费的加班!

All week I'd planned to leave work early to go to the ball game. But the boss just threw a monkey wrench into my plans -- he asked me to stay late to finish up a special report for him.整整一星期我都在打算要早点儿下班去看那场球赛。但是我那老板却把我的全盘计划都打翻了——他要我加班为他写完一份特别报告。

f you add up all the vacation time and comp hours I have, I have a lot of time.如果把我的假期和加班换来的补偿时间加起来的话,我有很多时间可以休息呢!

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