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gang up中文翻译,gang up是什么意思,gang up发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

gang up中文翻译,gang up是什么意思,gang up发音、用法及例句

1、gang up

gang up发音

英:[ɡæŋ ʌp]  美:[ɡæŋ ʌp]

英:  美:

gang up中文意思翻译



<非正>结伙; 穿连裆裤; 呼朋引类; 通同

gang up双语使用场景

1、He said that they would not gang up against Jack's joining the club.───他说他们不会联合起来反对杰克加入那个俱乐部.

2、He'll get David to gang up with him and stop me sailing.───他会劝戴维同他联合起来,阻挠我搭船.

3、Several companies gang up to raise prices.───几家大公司串通一气抬高物价.

4、The industry can also gang up against specific measures.───这一行业同样联合起来抵制一些特殊政策。

5、And demonstrated: 34 police gang up to surround up this 22 year - old male youths.───其中显示: 三四名警察围殴这个22岁的男青年.

6、How did these people come to gang up?───他们这帮人怎么勾上的?

7、Those guys won't gang up on you again.───那些家伙不会再合伙整你了.

8、The cats used to gang up and chase the dog around the house.───那只可怜的猫啊,最后只好跳到屋顶上去了.

9、How did these people come to gang up?───这帮人怎么勾上的?

10、Every year, all the kids gang up on me and throw me in the pool.───每年, 孩子们都对我群起而攻之,将我抛入游泳池.

11、We allowed combined allied forces to gang up against them.───我们允许各路联军联合起来抵挡他们.

12、They will continue to gang up against the Chinese people in every possible way.───他们还会要互相勾结在一起,用各种可能的方法,反对中国人民.

13、Various agencies gang up to combat the use of illicit drugs.───各个机构联合起来对抗非法药品的使用。

14、All the girls in my class seemed to gang up against me.───我们班的女生好像都联合起来对付我。

gang up相似词语短语

1、hung up───挂断,提高;挂起来;套牢


3、gangs up───v.聚集;联合起来

4、ring up───打电话;把款项记入现金进出记录机

5、bang up───砰地摔下,弄坏


7、rang up───打电话;把款项记入现金进出记录机

8、hang up───挂断电话;搁置,拖延

9、going up───上升;向上


1、Gang Up

2017-03-24 / 《速度与激情8》插曲

2、Sucker for Pain

2016-06-24 / 《X特遣队》插曲

3、Hello Hello

2016-05-09 / 与黄子韬合作的歌曲

4、See You Again

2015-03-10 / 《速度与激情7》主题曲

5、Go Hard or Go Home

2015-02-17 / 《速度与激情7》插曲

6、Shell Shocked

2014-07-22 / 《忍者神龟:变种时代》插曲

7、We Own It

2013-06-12 / 《速度与激情6》主题曲

8、献唱**《X特遣队》插曲《Sucker for Pain》


10、《Star Power》

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