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小卖部英文(small shop中文翻译,small shop是什么意思,small shop发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

小卖部英文(small shop中文翻译,small shop是什么意思,small shop发音、用法及例句)

small shop

small shop发音

英:  美:

small shop中文意思翻译




small shop双语使用场景

1、She runs a small shop which deals in fur goods.───她开了一家专营各类皮件工艺品的小店.

2、When small shop accomplishes double imperial crown, the problem of capital appeared.───小店做到双皇冠时, 资金的问题出现了.

3、The small shop stands by the river.───这小店位于河边.

4、Many passersby crushed into the small shop to watch the football match.───许多过路人挤进这个小店看足球赛.

5、a small shop sandwiched between a coffee shop on one side and a bakery on the other.───小店被一个咖啡店和一个面包房夹在中间。

6、Snow peas are very popular in the small shop.───小卖部里的荷兰豆很畅销.

7、Tongan city computer to the city direction, Is a very small shop!───同安城往电脑城方向走, 是一家很小的店!

8、She is going to open a small shop.───她将开设一家小商店.

9、I often step, across to the small shop to buy something needed.───我经常到附近小店去买些必用品.

10、He is interested in buying the small shop as a commercial undertaking.───他有益购买那间小商铺作为投资.

11、Smith and his wife run a small shop in a small town.───史密斯和妻子在一个小镇上经营一家小店。

12、A small shop located within a large store or supermarket.───在大商场或超级市场中的小商店.

13、I struck on that antique in a small shop in Shanghai.───这古玩是我在上海的一家小店里偶然碰到的.

14、As a boy he used to work in a small shop.───当他还是孩子时,他曾在一家小铺子工作.

15、There is a small shop.───有一家小商店。

16、The small shop is going to change to a new business.───商品价格会随着供求关系的变化而变化.

17、The small shop grew into a large firm.───那个小店发展成为一家大公司.

18、Small shop is freezed out by the big supermarket.───小商店都要让大超级市场给挤垮了.

small shop相似词语短语

1、small sum───小额

2、small chop───小排骨

3、small group───小团体;小群体

4、small cap───小盘

5、share shop───共享商店

6、small step───小步

7、small slam───小满贯,小满贯测井

8、small chops───小排骨

9、small hole───小孔

翻译Usually the food in a supermarket is cheaper than that in a small shop.





C,have sb do sth

A,cannot help doing,情不自禁做某事

A,固定用法,in the end

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