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going away中文翻译,going away是什么意思,going away发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

going away中文翻译,going away是什么意思,going away发音、用法及例句

1、going away

going away发音

英:  美:

going away中文意思翻译




going away双语使用场景

1、Before going away, he managed his household affairs.───在离开前, 他把家务都料理好了.

2、They're going away to Greece or somewhere.───他们正前往希腊或其它什么地方.

3、He mentioned en passant that he was going away.───他顺便提到他要离开的事.

4、What have we left behind ( ie after going away )?───我们走后留下什麽了?

5、I'm going away and I may never come back.───我要走了,可能永远不再回来.

6、I'm going away for a few days.───我要离开几天。

7、Oh dear, are you going away?───哦,亲爱的,你要走了吗?

8、His mind played on the idea of going away for a holiday.───他心里动着度假的念头.

9、He gave me his picture as a keepsake before going away.───他在离开前送我一张照片做为纪念.

10、Going away to college has made me much more independent.───离家上大学使我变得独立自主得多。

11、People began to nudge the couple into going away.───人们开始劝说这两口子走开.

12、He mentioned en passant that he was going away.───他顺便提到他要离开。

13、Try to reason him into going away quietly.───尽力劝他悄悄地走吧.

14、My friend gave me his picture as a keepsake before going away.───我的朋友在离别前给我一张照片留作纪念.

15、My friend gave me his picture as a memento before going away.───我的朋友在离别前给我一张照片留作纪念品.

16、" Dear George, " he read, crunching the money in one hand, " I'm going away.───“ 亲爱的乔治, " 他看着信, 一只手把钞票捏得嘎吱响.

17、Before going away, he arranged his business affaivs.───在离开之前, 他把业务都安排好了.

18、There is a world of accumulated feeling back of the trite dramatic expression -- " I am going away. "───那句富有戏剧性的 老话 " 我要走了 " 的背后,蕴藏着无限的情感.

going away相似词语短语

1、coming away───离开;脱落

2、boiling away───不断沸腾;汽化;煮干

3、locking away───藏起来;将…锁藏起来

4、dying away───逝去(歌曲名,DyingAway);减弱;消失

5、moving away───离开;搬走,移开

6、gone away───n.离开(歌曲名)

7、blowing away───吹走;驱散;留下深刻印象

8、giving away───洩露

9、getting away───离开;逃脱;出发


go away走开,

离开:Go away! I don't want to see you again!走开!我再也不想看到你了!(带某人、某物)逃走;

私奔:The young man went away with his girl friend.年轻人与他的女朋友私奔了。(新婚夫妇、尤指新娘)

去度蜜月:Jane wore such a pretty red suit to go away in.简穿着十分漂亮的红色衣服去度蜜月。[用于进行时态](赛跑者、赛马等)

领先:The runner is going away nicely now, and is sure to win.那名赛跑者现在领先了,他肯定能赢。(疼痛等)

消失;停止,停息:The pain will go away soon.疼痛马上会减轻。

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