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augmented reality中文翻译,augmented reality是什么意思,augmented reality发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

augmented reality中文翻译,augmented reality是什么意思,augmented reality发音、用法及例句

augmented reality

augmented reality发音

英:[ɔːɡˌmentɪd riˈæləti]  美:[ɔːɡˌmentɪd rɪˈæləti]

英:  美:

augmented reality中文意思翻译




augmented reality双语使用场景

1、With respect to kansei perception, actual products convey higher degree than virtual reality or augmented reality.───整体而言,在意象认知的传达上, 仍以实际产品的效果为最佳,优于虚拟实境与扩增实境方式.

2、Augmented reality for exposure therapy promises to change this.───用于暴露疗法的增强现实技术发誓要改变这一切.

3、Mixed Reality and Augmented Reality has the distinction.───混合现实与增强现实也有所区别.

4、A method of registration of augmented reality ( AR ) based on natural characteristics is introduced.───介绍了一种基于自然特徵点的增强现实注册方法.

5、See through head mounted display ( HMD ) is a key component in the augmented reality ( AR ) system.───穿透式双通道头盔显示器 ( HMD ) 是增强现实系统中的关键部件.

6、Augmented reality: past, present and future.───夸大现实:过去、现在、与未来。

7、A new approach for resolving occlusion problem in augmented reality is presented in this paper.───提出了一种新的解决扩充现实中遮挡问题的方法.

8、Augmented Reality is a variation of Virtual Reality.───摘要增强现实技术是虚拟现实技术的最新进展.

9、An improved tracking algorithm in applications of augmented reality - adaptive tracking algorithms was introduced.───介绍在增强现实应用中的一种改进跟踪算法 - 自适应跟踪算法.

10、Augmented reality can not only add fun and interactivity to a print publication, but, as shown here, it can also vastly improve a journalist's ability to tell a story in a compelling way.───正如增强现实技术所展示的,它不仅能增加纸媒出版物的娱乐性和互动性,还能极大地提高记者以更有说服力的方式讲述故事的能力。

11、Augmented reality: your phone USES its Arsenal of sensors to understand your situation and provide you information that might be useful.───扩大的现实:你的手机将用它强大的设备了解你的情况,并向你提供可能的实用信息。

12、A novel augmented reality method based on a plane structure in the scene is proposed.───提出了一种基于场景平面结构的增强现实方法.

augmented reality相似词语短语

1、augmented sixth───增广第六

2、augmented realities───增强现实

3、augmented cognitions───扩充认知

4、accept a reality───接受现实

5、augmented romans───扩充罗马人

6、augmented cognition───增强认知

7、a grip on reality───对现实的把握

8、augmented roman───增广罗马语

9、mixed reality───混合现实


AR就是增强现实(Augmented Reality,简称AR),也被称之为混合现实。它通过电脑技术,将虚拟的信息应用到真实世界,真实的环境和虚拟的物体实时地叠加到了同一个画面或空间同时存在。

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