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direct mail中文翻译,direct mail是什么意思,direct mail发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

direct mail中文翻译,direct mail是什么意思,direct mail发音、用法及例句

1、direct mail

direct mail发音

英:  美:

direct mail中文意思翻译




direct mail双语使用场景

1、These calculators are sold only by direct mail.───这些计数器通过直接邮寄进行销售.

2、Develop and implement marketing and promotion activities: materials, fairs, seminars, electronic, and direct mail outlets.───开发并实施各类促销手段: 展示材料, 展会发布, 讲座宣传, 电子化推广与直接的邮件发布.

3、Ensures sales calls, telephone solicitation, and direct mail programs are conducted.───确保销售电话拜访 、 电话邀约 、 直销项目顺利进行.

4、I can name a few: direct mail, outdoor media, transit media, and miscellaneous.───我给你举几个例吧: 直接信函, 户外媒体, 移动媒体和其他广告媒体.

5、In the United States, the most valid destination for direct mail advertising model is.───在美国, 现在最有效的目标广告模式就是直邮.

6、The major advertising media are newspapers, magazines, direct mail, outdoor advertising, television, and radio.───主要的广告媒体有报纸 、 杂志 、 邮件 、 户外招贴 、 电视和广播.

7、Magazine advertising is perhaps the most prestigious, and direct mail is certainly the most selective medium.───电视紧跟其后排第二位,杂志广告可能是最有威信的, 邮件广告肯定是最具有选择性的媒体.

8、Helen: Will there be any direct mail?───海伦: 会有任何广告邮件 吗 ?

9、A carefully designed solution that can be arranged to create a direct direct mail ongoing activities.───精心设计的解决方案可以安排好创建直邮商函所需要的日常活动.

10、Promote your event or issue in a leaflet delivered by volunteers by ad mail, or by direct mail.───在志愿者通过广告邮件或者直接邮寄的传单中,宣传你的事件或问题。

11、We can print it on posters and send them to citizens by direct mail.───我们可以把广告直接邮寄给市民.

12、You sent out the best direct mail piece you've ever seen.───你寄出了最棒的明信片,你的目录册属于斯密斯.

13、The State Department say Cuba also wants to discuss direct mail links and other issues.───国务部门称古巴同时希望就直接通邮及其他问题进行商讨.

14、You can also use it to design effective direct mail pieces and write appropriate advertising campaigns.───您还可以用它来设计有效的直邮件,写适当的广告活动.

15、Hello CHENGDU is a direct mail magazine covering urban life and providing practical information.───是一本关于成都城市生活资讯的直投杂志.

16、AIR FLEET is distributed through direct mail to all potential markets of the Russian aerospace industry.───航空机队以直接邮寄的方式发行到俄罗斯航空航天工业的所有潜在市场.

17、An ordinary mail to new direct mail or you can make.───一不开别致的屈邮商函也可以怠工不入新异来.

18、Direct mail can spur people to vote, if they already agree with its message.───如果他们认同信件提供的信息,那么直接信件可以促使民众投票。

19、Direct mail advertising is of course a huge business.───直接邮寄广告当然是一笔巨大的生意。

direct mail相似词语短语

1、direct hit───直接命中


3、direct sales───直接销售;直销

4、direct mails───n.直接邮件;直接邮寄广告

5、direct rival───直接竞争对手

6、direct debit───n.直接借记

7、direct motion───顺行

8、direct tax───[税收]直接税(如所得税)

9、direct train───直达列车







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