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think you中文翻译,think you是什么意思,think you发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

think you中文翻译,think you是什么意思,think you发音、用法及例句

think you

think you发音

英:  美:

think you中文意思翻译



think you双语使用场景

1、I think you owe us an explanation.───我认为你应当给我们一个解释。

2、If all those troupers singing and dancing their hearts out couldn't go on longer without boring the audience, what makes you think you can?───如果这些演员尽情歌舞超过12分钟都会让观众厌倦的话,你说你还能怎么样呢?

3、What you think you know about fostering creativity is wrong. A look at what really works.───清醒吧!原来你所认为能提升创造力的办法竟然是假的。真正有效的办法在哪里?以下可作参考。

4、I think you are mentally tired.───我觉得你的头脑累了。

5、What do you think you are playing at?───你以为你在搞什么名堂?

6、Surrender your personality pictures of what you think you need, and to open to all the gifts your soul and Divine Self have for you?───你会放弃你认为你所需要的人格画面,并向你的灵魂和神性自我为你带来的所有礼物开放吗?

7、Take a hard look at what you own, and what sort of downturn you think you could handle.───严格审查一下你所拥有的,考虑一下你能够应付何种程度的低迷。

8、If God asked you to build a giant boat, don't you think you might have a few questions, objections, or reservations?───假如神叫你造一艘大船,你是否会感到疑惑、抗拒,或有所保留?

9、Put up your hands if you think you see what I mean. Okay Student: Inaudible No, that's actually not what I mean there.───如果明白就举手,好,学生:,教授:不,这不是我的意思,Prof。:,Um…

think you相似词语短语

1、mind you───注意;留心

2、think through───彻底地想清楚

3、thinks out───解决;仔细考虑;发现

4、think up───想出;发明;虚构

5、think aloud───边想边说出,自言自语

6、think out───解决;仔细考虑;发现

7、think fit───宁愿;选择

8、thank you───谢谢你

9、thin out───使稀薄;使稀疏




——Would you like a cup of coffee?

——No,thanks. 很随便的。

Thank you后面可跟you的同位语;而且实用场合更正式 意思真的\"谢谢你\"

——Thank you,sir.(比较正式)

——Thank you,mum.

——Thank you for your dinner.而且正式场合说thanks很失礼的

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