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methods in molecular biology中文翻译,methods in molecular biology是什么意思,methods in molecular biology发音、用法

04-10 投稿

methods in molecular biology中文翻译,methods in molecular biology是什么意思,methods in molecular biology发音、用法及例句

methods in molecular biology

methods in molecular biology发音

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methods in molecular biology中文意思翻译



methods in molecular biology双语使用场景

1、Computational methods in molecular biology;───分子生物学计算方法;

2、There are some examples of detection methods of serology and molecular biology which are used in fruit tree virus studies.───并分别列举了一些血清学检测和分子生物学检测方法在果树病毒检测中的应用实例。

3、Methods in Molecular Biology and Protein Chemistry───分子生物学和蛋白质化学方法

4、In this paper, the function mechanisms of acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors to ALS had been carried out, using the methods of molecular biology, physiology and biochemistry.───本文通过分子生物学和生理生化两个角度对ALS抑制剂与ALS作用机理进行了初步的研究。

5、methods for species identification of the meat products were reviewed in this paper. It was mainly about the molecular biology methods based PCR and the applied prospect of PCR was discussed.───本文对目前鉴别食品中原料肉物种的方法,即以P CR技术为基础的分子生物学方法进行了综述,并展望其应用前景。

methods in molecular biology相似词语短语


2、molecular biologist───分子生物学家

3、molecular biology───[分子生物]分子生物学

4、molecular biologies───[分子生物]分子生物学



[词典] biochemistry;


Now chemists and biologists attach importance to research fields of molecular biology, biochemical pharmacology, and so on.

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