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damn you中文翻译,damn you是什么意思,damn you发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

damn you中文翻译,damn you是什么意思,damn you发音、用法及例句

damn you

damn you发音

英:  美:

damn you中文意思翻译



damn you双语使用场景

1、Damn, you really had me going there.───嗨, 你不该把我扔在这里.

2、Damn you, dare to plot against me? See I do not kill you!───哎呀,你敢暗算我? 看我不杀了你!

3、Damn you! I'm not going to let you bully me.───你这个浑蛋!我决不让你欺负我。

4、Damn, you are killing me.───该死, 你要弄死我.

5、Larson: Damn, you really had me going there.───拉森: 见鬼, 这是你逼我到这份的.

6、Now, 'said he, with curbed ferocity,' I'm getting angry; and if you don't command that paltry spirit of yours — Damn you!───现在,”他带着压制住的凶狠说,“我要生气了;如果你不能振作你那点元气——你这该死的!”

7、" That score is settled -- damn you. "───“ 那笔帐就算扯平了 —— 你这该死的家伙.

8、Damn you boy, I will have revenge.───该死的小子, 我会复仇的.

9、It's as likely that he'll damn you as ( that he'll ) say " Good morning ".───他很可能向你说 “ 早安 ”,也可能咒骂你一顿.

10、Damn you all! She wants none of your tears!───你们都该死!她才不要你们的眼泪哩!

11、Damn you, tall people. They block your view at the movie theater.───该死的高个子, 总在**院看**的时候挡住你的视线.

damn you相似词语短语

1、damn near───他妈的就在附近


3、damn all───根本没有;完全没有;毫无

4、I ask you───我问你

5、damp down───[冶]封火

6、damn fool───adj.真愚蠢

7、mark you───注意;听着


9、damp box───潮湿的盒子

damn you是啥意思?

damn[英][dæm][美][dæm]adv.非常; (表示厌烦)该死; 讨厌; 十足; vt.诅咒; 谴责,指责; 使…失败; [永世受罚,定罪; vi.诅咒; 咒骂; n.一点也不,丝毫; adj.该死的; (表示厌烦)可恶的; 第三人称单数:damns复数:damns现在分词:damning过去式:damned过去分词:damned形近词:DAMN

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