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stop it中文翻译,stop it是什么意思,stop it发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

stop it中文翻译,stop it是什么意思,stop it发音、用法及例句

stop it

stop it发音

英:  美:

stop it中文意思翻译



stop it双语使用场景

1、Stop it. You're hurting me.───住手。你弄疼我了。

2、Its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it.───开这辆车的人很难把它停下来.

3、Hattie intervened and told me to stop it.───哈蒂打断我,叫我停下来。

4、She screamed at him to "stop it" as they struggled on the ground.───他们在地上扭打成一团,她向他尖叫着“别打了”。

5、You can stop it out of my money.───你可以从我的钱里扣除.

6、Once a fit has started there is nothing you can do to stop it.───痉挛一旦发作就无法止住。

7、"Stop it," he said, and nudged the boy lightly with his knee.───“别这么干了,”他用膝盖轻轻碰了碰那个男孩说道。

8、"Stop it! Stop it!" shrieked Jane.───“停下!停下!”简尖叫道。

9、We bandaged his wound but couldn't stop it bleeding / stop the bleeding.───我们给他包扎了伤口,但止不住血.

10、Stop it, you're hurting me!───住手,你把我弄疼了!

11、People are being murdered every day and I am powerless to stop it.───每天都有人被杀,而我却无力阻止。

12、" My Bonnie sucks her thumb. I can't make her stop it. "───" 我家的邦妮吮大拇指, 我怎么也制止不住她.

13、Oh, stop it! This is getting us nowhere.───哦,停下!这样不会有结果的。

14、Stop it! You're hurting me.───住手!你把我弄疼了。

15、"There was no way to stop it."— 'Oh yes. Well. here's something else you won't be able to stop.'───“没法阻止它。”——“是吗?哼,那这还有些别的事也是你没法阻止的。”

16、I'm warning you; stop it right now!───我警告你,马上住手!

17、We must glue the mat down at the edges to stop it curling.───我们必须把席子的边粘住,免得卷边.

18、This influence is likely to continue indefinitely unless we make a concerted effort to stop it.───这种影响可能还会继续,除非我们一致协作来改变这种局面.

stop it相似词语短语

1、hop it───走开

2、stop list───非用词表;[图情]禁用词表

3、stop in───顺便访问;中途作短暂访问

4、stops in───顺便访问;中途作短暂访问

5、cop it───警察

6、step it───步行


8、stop by───顺便访问;停在…近旁

9、stop out───外宿;继续罢工;中途辍学;(美)遮蔽(风,日光等)

stop it的过去式?

过去式是stopped it,例如:

But researchers stopped it early because the results were so clear.


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