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blood vessel中文翻译,blood vessel是什么意思,blood vessel发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

blood vessel中文翻译,blood vessel是什么意思,blood vessel发音、用法及例句

1、blood vessel

blood vessel发音

英:[blʌd ˈvesl]  美:[ˈblʌd vesəl]

英:  美:

blood vessel中文意思翻译

常用释义: 血管



blood vessel双语使用场景

1、What blood vessel is to a man's body, that railway is to a nation.───铁路对于国家, 好比血脉对于人体一样.

2、This happens when a blood vessel breaks.───是由脑部血管破裂引起的.

3、All epithelial cells in the lamellae separated from capillary blood vessel, ( → ) showing hemorrhages.───鳃小片上皮细胞与毛细血管全部分离, 箭头示局部出血.

4、A blood vessel exploded in the left half of my brain.───那时我的左脑血管破裂,造成大量出血.

5、It is helpful to detect the responsible blood vessel with operating microscope or endoscope.───应用内窥镜下手术,有利于责任血管的发现.

6、The doctor burst a blood vessel.───医生使一条血管破裂了。

7、The computation results show that external counterpulsation can effectively change the blood vessel pipe _ wall shear stress.───计算结果表明,体外反搏可以明显有效地改变血管壁剪切应力.

8、Conclusion Micrometastatic foci axillary lymph node do not have new blood vessel formation.───结论淋巴结微转移灶无血管生成,转移瘤有血管生成.

9、Small doses constrict the blood vessels and large doses dilate the blood vessel.───小剤量能收缩血管.大剤量能扩张血管.

10、Generally bite in the ankle, start to bend a knee, oppress blood vessel, reduce blood fluxion.───一般咬伤在脚踝, 将膝盖屈起, 压迫血管, 减少血液流动.

11、The rupture of a blood vessel usually cause the mark of a bruise.───血管的突然破裂往往会造成外伤的痕迹.

12、Objective To verify the effect of Evans blue dye on determining the retina blood vessel leakage.───目的探讨能否应用伊凡思蓝(evansblue,EB) 作为示踪物定量诊断血视网膜屏障破坏(blood-retinalbarrierbreakdown,BRBB).

13、It occurs because blood flow gets reduced in that blood vessel.───它的发生是因为血管中的血流量减少了。

14、Methods Isolated blood vessel, ear edema and Schulty Dale reaction were used.───方法采用大鼠离体后肢血管阻力 、 二甲苯致小鼠耳肿胀及致敏豚鼠回肠平滑肌过敏性收缩试验.

15、Conclusion The patients with glaucoma whose hemodynamic change of eye blood vessel have no group specificity.───结论青光眼患者血流动力学改变无种族特异性.

16、Angiogenin ( ANG ) can strongly stimulate blood vessel formation and play an important role in tumorigenesis.───血管生成素 ( angiogenin,ANG ) 是一个强有力的促血管生成因子,与肿瘤的发生、发展密切相关.

17、When I asked my manager for more wages, he almost burst a blood vessel.───当我向经理要求加薪时, 他非常生气.

18、A localized swelling filled with blood resulting from a break in a blood vessel.───'血肿'.''由于血管破损而引起的局部积血淤肿.

19、Objective To explore the nursing strategy of the arteriovenous fistula replanted by artificial blood vessel.───目的探讨人造血管动静脉内瘘的护理对策.

20、Don't burst a blood vessel!───别生这么大的气!

21、Silk tubes, made by dipping a wax mold in aqueous silk solution, have a number of tissue engineering applications like blood vessel grafts and nerve guides.───丝管是通过将蜡模浸入水化的丝蛋白溶液中制成的,有许多组织工程应用,如血管移植和神经导引。

22、First the surgeon performed the section of the blood vessel.───外科医生首先切开血管.

23、A hemorrhagic, or bleeding, stroke happens a blood vessel breaks.───出血性中风发生在血管破裂时.

24、I almost burst a blood vessel trying to carry her suitcase.───为搬她的皮箱,我几乎使出了吃奶水的力气.

25、The other kind is called a hemorrhagic, or bleeding , stroke . This happens a blood vessel breaks.───另一种被称为出血性的, 或流血性的, 发生于血管破裂时.

26、the rupture of a blood vessel───血管破裂

27、This happens when a blood vessel graitsbreaks. Strokes can cause death or disability.───中风会导致死亡或残疾,而且出血性中风比缺血性中风更为严重.

blood vessel相似词语短语

1、blood losses───[医]失血

2、blood cell───[组织]血细胞,血球

3、blood levels───血中浓度

4、food vessels───食品容器

5、blood level───血中浓度

6、food vessel───食品容器

7、blood loss───[医]失血

8、blood vessels───血管

9、blood libel───血祭诽谤




Known as "tactile hairs" or vibrissae, whiskers are the long, thick, flexible hairs on a cat's face. These hairs are located in horizontal rows on the whisker pad, the puffy area between the top corners of your cat's mouth and the outer edges of his nose. Whiskers, like hair and nails, do fall out and are replaced. Whiskers are different from the cat's body hair in a few ways:

Whiskers should never be cut or trimmed.

Whiskers are two to three times thicker than the cat's hair.

Whiskers are rooted very deep in the cat's face, in an area rich in nerves and blood vessels.

In addition to having the long tactile hairs on their cheeks, cats also have shorter ones above their eyebrows, on their chin and on the back of their front legs. Facial whiskers are good for navigation, mood indication & measuring an opening.

Whiskers help the cat feel his way around. Whiskers are so sensitive that they can detect the slightest directional change in a breeze. How? The air currents in the room change depending on where pieces of furniture are located. As a cat walks through a darkened room and approaches the couch, he'll know which direction to turn based on the change in air current around the couch.

In addition to having sensory properties, a cat's whiskers are also a good indicator of his mood. When a cat is angry or feels defensive, the whiskers will be pulled back. Otherwise, when the cat is happy, curious or content, the whiskers will be more relaxed and pushed forward.

But the whisker's primary use is to help a cat judge whether or not he'll fit through an opening. A cat's whiskers are roughly as wide as his body, sort of a natural ruler. The whisker tips are sensitive to pressure. You'll probably see a cat stick his head in and out of an opening before he puts his body in. He's judging the width of the opening, and is determining if he can fit into it.

A cat's whiskers have a twofold purpose: they are precisely the narrowest width that the cat can squeeze itself through comfortably, and they are also used for balance.

Cutting off a cat’s whiskers renders it incapable of standing up.

Since cats use their whiskers to 'feel' their way around, a mother cat will often bite the whiskers off her kittens (including the ones over the eyes) when they are new born and the eyes are still closed, to keep them from wandering away from her.

The whiskers of a walking cat point forward. Slightly downward if the cat is calm. Slightly upward if the cat is excited.


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