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adam's apple(adam s apple中文翻译,adam s apple是什么意思,adam s apple发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

adam's apple(adam s apple中文翻译,adam s apple是什么意思,adam s apple发音、用法及例句)

adam s apple

adam s apple发音

英:  美:

adam s apple中文意思翻译



adam s apple双语使用场景

1、On hearing the man's miserable life experience , Max's Adam's apple went up, and his eyes had little lights in them .───听说了这个男人的悲惨遭遇,,马克斯的喉结涌动,眼神暗淡了下来。听说了。

2、For example, the term "Adam's Apple" refers to legendary accounts of the apple sticking in Adam's throat when he took it from Eve and ate.───例如,“亚当的苹果”一词描写了亚当吃了夏娃的苹果后被卡住喉咙的传说。

3、Ronnie swallowed hard. He'd just started developing an Adam's apple, and he could feel the knot pogo in his throat. He stopped walking.───罗尼艰难地咽了一下,感觉自己就好像亚当要去偷食苹果,他觉得喉咙里有结节蹦来蹦去,于是停下脚步。

4、Adam`s sin in eating the apple left a mark on the front part of his throat, it is called the "adam`s apple"───亚当偷吃苹果的罪过在他的喉头前部留下了一个记号,称为“喉结”。

5、Mello watched the man's Adam's apple bob as he swallowed, mutely fascinated by his every gesture.───梅洛观看男子喉结鲍勃他吞下,他的每一个动作哑着迷。

6、A few months later, his Adam's apple would be shaved down and he would receive breast implants. Genital surgery would follow.───几个月后,他的“亚当的苹果”将会被切下,并接受隆胸手术,随之而来的还有女性生殖器再生手术。

adam s apple相似词语短语

1、bake apple───n.云莓干

2、a bad apple───烂苹果;坏蛋

3、bad apple───坏家伙

4、Adam's apples───喉结

5、Adam's apple───喉结

6、balsam apple───苦瓜;胶苦瓜

7、Adams apples───亚当斯苹果

8、random sample───[数]随机样本;随意抽取调查;[天]随机样品

9、May apple───鬼臼果



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