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brought down中文翻译,brought down是什么意思,brought down发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

brought down中文翻译,brought down是什么意思,brought down发音、用法及例句

brought down

brought down发音

英:  美:

brought down中文意思翻译



brought down双语使用场景

1、Several aircraft were intercepted and brought down.

2、The excellent acrobatic performance brought down the house.───精采的杂技表演博得全场喝采.

3、The footballer brought down his opponent with a cynical foul.───那个足球队员恶意犯规把对方绊倒了.

4、I was shocked, brought down to earth by this revelation.───真相的披露让我深感震惊,我被带回了现实。

5、Someone went upstairs and brought down a huge kettle.───有人上楼拿下来一个巨大的水壶。


7、The gunners brought down three planes.───炮兵击落三架飞机.

8、Her decision to retire brought down the curtain on a glittering 30 - year career.───她退休的决定给她30年辉煌的职业生涯画上了句号.

9、They have brought down income taxes.───他们降低了所得税。

10、Led by Huang Chao, they brought down the reigning house after 300 years' rule.───在黄巢的带领下,他们推翻了统治了三百年的王朝。


12、Brought down by your injustice and betrayal.───他的不幸遭遇!完全是因你的不公正和违约造成的.

13、They have brought down income taxes.───他们已经降低了所得税。

14、They brought down two enemy planes at one blow.───他们一举击落两架敌机.

15、He was brought down in the penalty area.───他在禁区被绊倒。

16、The price of petrol was brought down recently.───石油的价格最近降下来了.

17、We have brought down interest rates.───我们还降低了利率.

brought down相似词语短语

1、brought to───使恢复知觉;停船

2、brought around───使信服;使…转向;使复原;使高兴起来

3、brought out───出版,生产;使显示;说出

4、brought in───带来;引进;油井投产

5、brought on───导致

6、brought off───完成;救出;成功

7、brought round───v.把(某人或某物)带到约好的地点;劝说(某人)改变主意、意见;说服(某人);使恢复知觉

8、fought down───v.克服;努力抑制


be down是什么时态?



例句:She got carried away in a flurry of excitement, but we brought her down to earth by reminding her of the tasks waiting to be down.


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