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the end of中文翻译,the end of是什么意思,the end of发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

the end of中文翻译,the end of是什么意思,the end of发音、用法及例句

1、the end of

the end of发音

英:  美:

the end of中文意思翻译



the end of双语使用场景

1、Plant evergreen shrubs around the end of the month.───在月末前后种植常绿灌木。

2、The club was demoted at the end of last season.───上个赛季末该俱乐部被降级了。

3、I noticed a chink of light at the end of the corridor.───我注意到走廊尽头的一缕光线。

4、Only two go down at the end of this season.───本赛季末只有两支队伍降级。

5、The stadium emptied at the end of the first day of athletics.───首日比赛结束后,体育场空无一人。

6、He fixed a bayonet to the end of his rifle.───他在步枪口上安好了刺刀。

7、I joined the end of the queue.───我站在了这队伍的最后。

8、By the end of the evening they were all absolutely paralytic.───晚上结束时,他们全都酩酊大醉。

9、It was the end of a long combat.───那是一场长时间搏斗的结束。

10、Winners will be selected at the end of each calendar month.───每个月末都会选出优胜者。

11、She was nearing the end of her life.───她已经临近生命的尽头。

12、It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO.───这几乎肯定会导致北大西洋公约组织的终结。

13、Political defeat seemed a real possibility at the end of 1981.───政治失败在1981年底看来确有可能。

14、Drug experts say it could spell the end of the crack epidemic.───禁毒专家说它可能会结束强效可卡因吸食泛滥的局面。

15、The Channel tunnel was due to open towards the end of 1993.───海峡隧道预计1993年年底前开通。

16、There was a small stream at the end of the garden.───花园的尽头有一条小河。

17、I've been here, oh, since the end of June.───我是,呃,6月底来到这里的。

18、They have been held in detention since the end of June.───他们从6月底以来就一直受到监禁。

the end of相似词语短语

1、at the hand of───在……的手上;由于......的作用;出自某人之手

2、the better of───更好的

3、the like of───像……这样的人(东西)

4、the end───结束;结局,剧终

5、other end of───另一端

6、far end of───远端

7、the old one───老头子,父亲魔鬼;旧的那个

8、the pants off───把裤子脱了

9、no end of───无数;大量

2、in the end of和at the end of有什么区别

首先我们来看下in the end of和at the end of的大致意思:

in the end of:词性为短语,该短语由介词in、冠词the、名词end和介词of组成,可用于描述时间或地点的结束。

at the end of:词性为短语,该短语由介词at、冠词the、名词end和介词of组成,表示某个事件或情况的最后阶段或位置。

通过下面的表格我们了解下in the end of和at the end of的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下in the end of和at the end of的用法区别:

1.词性:in the end of是以介词开头的短语,而at the end of是以介词和冠词开头的短语。


- We watched the fireworks on the mountaintop in the end of the sunset.


- At the end of the concert, the singer performed a touching love song.


2.含义:in the end of表示事件或情况结束的时间点或位置,而at the end of表示某个事件或情况的最后阶段或位置。


- I need to finish this project in the end of the month.


- They celebrated their victory at the end of the game.


3.发音:in the end of和at the end of的发音在英式和美式发音上是相同的。


- You can find the end of the book online.


- We finally finished the long discussion at the end.


4.用法简介:in the end of常用于描述某个事件或情况的结尾,而at the end of常用于指明某个事件或情况的最终部分。


- I only understood the truth at the end of the story.


- At the end of the trip, we arrived at a beautiful beach.


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