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generic drugs中文翻译,generic drugs是什么意思,generic drugs发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

generic drugs中文翻译,generic drugs是什么意思,generic drugs发音、用法及例句

1、generic drugs

generic drugs发音

英:  美:

generic drugs中文意思翻译



generic drugs双语使用场景

1、Generic drugs are usually cheaper than brand - name drugs.───一般的药品通常比品牌药品便宜.

2、Rather, the key is to pitch branded generic drugs.───相反,关键是要瞄准有品牌的仿制药。

3、Doctors sometimes prescribe cheaper generic drugs instead of more expensive brand names.───医生有时开比较便宜的非注册商标的药品,而不开比较昂贵的品牌药。

4、Who pays the most for branded and generic drugs?───不论是品牌药还是非专利药,谁为药钱买单?

5、Those sales will then collapse as copycat churned out by the producers of generic drugs.───当通用药品制造商大量生产出仿制药品的时候,它们的销售额将暴跌.

6、Comprehensive knowledge of intellectual property strategies relating to the development of generic drugs.───具有广泛的知识产权策略,涉及非专利药的研发.

7、They encourage doctors to prescribe cheaper generic drugs instead of more expensive brand names.───他们鼓励医生给患者开较便宜的非专利药,而不是价格更高的品牌药。

generic drugs相似词语短语


2、generic drug───仿制药;学名药;通用名药;副厂药

3、general rule───通则;一般规则

4、genetic drift───[遗]遗传漂变,基因漂变


6、magnetic drums───[计]磁鼓

7、gateway drugs───诱导性毒品

8、generic name───[生物]属名;总名称;通用名称

9、generic term───通用术语;地理通名


Cheng Yong (Xú Zhēng), an ordinary middle-aged man, runs a health care shop, but he is frustrated and divorced. The arrival of the uninvited guest Lu Benefiting (Eric Wang) opened up a new business of purchasing medicines in India. Although there were many difficulties, he found business opportunities on this road of purchasing medicines, and started out of control as the exclusive agent of Indian generic medicines for treating CML.

While making money, he also met several patients and their families. Si Hui (Tan Zhuo), who was forced to be a dancer to save her daughter, Pastor Liu (Yang Xinming), who speaks fluent English as a priest, and \"Huang Mao\" (Zhang Yu), who has a violent temper. Several people started a business together, and their profits doubled and they were also in danger.

Cheng Yong's former brother-in-law Cao police officer (Zhou Yiwei) was ordered to investigate the origin of generic drugs, and counterfeit drug dealer Zhang Changlin (Yanhui Wang) and Swiss real medicine representative (Li Naiwen) were also eyeing it, and the business gradually turned into a tug-of-war about redemption. This film is adapted from the real story of Lu Yong, a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia, purchasing anticancer drugs on his behalf.

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