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兄弟的英语单词(two brothers中文翻译,two brothers是什么意思,two brothers发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

兄弟的英语单词(two brothers中文翻译,two brothers是什么意思,two brothers发音、用法及例句)

two brothers

two brothers发音

英:  美:

two brothers中文意思翻译



two brothers双语使用场景

1、The two brothers set to and fought bitterly.───兄弟俩打起来了,而且打得难解难分.

2、There are five people in my family - my parents, two brothers and I.───我家里有五口人 ― ―我的父母 、 两个兄弟和我.

3、When I left, the two brothers were still battling it out behind the garage.───我离开时, 两兄弟还在汽车库后面决一胜负.

4、Edward's two brothers are Milton and Michael.───爱德华的两个兄弟分别是米尔顿和迈克尔.

5、two brothers wanted to catch two, and roast them.───两兄弟想抓两只,把它们烤熟。

6、The two brothers are so much alike ; it is difficult to discriminate one from the other.───这两兄弟太相像了, 很难识别他们.

7、Ann has two brothers.───安有两个弟弟。

8、The two brothers fought together against their attackers.───兄弟俩并肩作战打击来犯者.

9、The two brothers differed about politics.───这兄弟俩政见不同.

10、The two brothers are bickering again.───这弟兄俩又在闹别扭。

11、There was perfect harmony between the two brothers.───兄弟俩的感情非常融洽.

12、The two brothers split on inheriting the legacy of their parents.───两兄弟为继承父母的遗产而闹翻.

13、Then Chueh - hsin came in, and the two brothers exchanged unhappy glances.───接着他的大哥也进来了.他们弟兄交换了一瞥不愉快的眼光.

14、It is three years since the two brothers sundered.───弟兄俩分开已经三年了.

15、Still fighting, the two brothers struggled in the water.───这两兄弟还在水里继续打.

16、I have two brothers, but not any sisters.───我有两个兄弟, 可没姐妹.

17、The two brothers remained to chat with their stepmother.───觉新弟兄还留在房里跟周氏谈了些闲话.

two brothers相似词语短语

1、baby brothers───小弟弟

2、big brother───哥哥;老大哥

3、blood brothers───天堂口(**名);亲兄弟

4、kid brothers───(美国英语)弟弟

5、soul brothers───黑人男子

6、lay brothers───外行兄弟

7、half brothers───同母异父(或同父异母)兄弟

8、big brothers───哥哥;老大哥

9、twin brother───n.孪生兄弟


应该是**《虎兄虎弟》。这是一部由环球影业发行的**。该片属于动作、冒险片类型,外文名是《Two Brothers》,由让·雅克·阿诺执导,于2004年正式上映。

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