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are you stand中文翻译,are you stand是什么意思,are you stand发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

are you stand中文翻译,are you stand是什么意思,are you stand发音、用法及例句

are you stand

are you stand发音

英:  美:

are you stand中文意思翻译



are you stand双语使用场景

1、Hey! Buddy! Get in! Are you gonna to stand there all day?───嘿!老兄!上车吧!你打算在这站一天吗?

2、In the race of human life, you will never win any place if you are always satisfied with what you are and stand still.───在人生的竞赛中,如果你总是安于现状、停滞不前,你永远也不会成为胜者。

3、you really are and what you stand for. You are not your job, your friends, or the results you produce.───你不属于你的工作、朋友和成果。

are you stand相似词语短语

1、cake stand───饼架

2、take the stand───站在证人席上作证


4、to stand───站起来

5、to outstand───突出

6、to upstand───竖立

7、if you want───如果你想

8、make a stand───进行抵抗;停下

9、arena stage───中心舞台;圆形舞台


Are you stand你的立场 重点词汇stand立场; 台,看台; 停止; 抵抗; 站立,起立; 竖直放置; 保持看法; 停滞; 忍受;

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