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make a poster中文翻译,make a poster是什么意思,make a poster发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

make a poster中文翻译,make a poster是什么意思,make a poster发音、用法及例句

1、make a poster

make a poster发音

英:  美:

make a poster中文意思翻译



make a poster双语使用场景

1、Then, make a poster to display your poem on the wall.───然后,制作一张海报贴在墙上展示你们的诗。

2、Having the students make a poster and a short play using newly learned knowledge.───用新学知识做海报、编小品。

3、Make a poster of your favorite movie.───为你喜爱的**做一张海报。

4、You have been asked to make a poster for the film and write an announcement that will be read on the radio.───要求你为这部影片制作一张海报,并写一份通知以便在广播里播出。

5、Make a poster showing your favourite festival for a school display.───制作一份海报,展示你最喜爱的节日。

6、Most of the time I have a great idea while listening to a song for the 900th time in a day, decide to make a poster about it and then email it to the musician.───大多时候,在一天中把一首歌听到了第900遍时我产生一个伟大的想法,决定做一张关于这首歌的海报并用电子邮件发给那个音乐人。

7、Make a map of your theme park. Make a poster to advertise it.───为自己设计的主题公园画一幅地图,并制作一份海报作宣传。

8、a map of your theme park. Make a poster to advertise it.───自己设计的主题公园画一幅地图,并制作一份海报作宣传。

9、Ask kids to make a poster in groups, then communicate with each other, use the sentence: I . . . at . . . o'clock.───设计意图:学生通过小组活动制作海报并互相交流来练习句子,培养了学生的团结协作精神,也相互了解了生活习惯。

make a poster相似词语短语

1、make a noise───吵闹,喧哗;成为众人谈论或注意的对象

2、make after───v.追随;追逐;跟随

3、take a powder───暂停交易

4、make a pit stop───小便(美国俚语)

5、make a pass───挑逗

6、make a gesture───做手势,表示;做一个手势

7、make a move───走一步;开始行动;搬家

8、make a point of───重视;强调;特别注意…

9、make a pitch───说好话



解释 n. 海报, 招贴 ,脚夫

v. 贴海报于

例句与用法 1. He put up a poster advertising the circus.


2.Her bedroom is covered with posters .


3.Have you seen their poster ?


4.The poster wouldn't stick even though I drenched it with glue.


5.The poster only stayed up a few hours, before it was stolen.


6.The lettering on the poster is very eye-catching.


7.The poster had been ripped to pieces.



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