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lifetime是什么意思(life time中文翻译,life time是什么意思,life time发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

lifetime是什么意思(life time中文翻译,life time是什么意思,life time发音、用法及例句)

life time

life time发音

英:  美:

life time中文意思翻译





life time常用词组:

of a lifetime───一生最…的;终身难遇的

once in a lifetime───一生一次

long lifetime───长寿命

life time双语使用场景

1、Her universal compassion, forgiveness and acceptance are my life time's learning.───她的善良, 宽容,和大度是我一辈子也学不完.

2、Of course a life time for a responsibility isn't always easy.───当然要做到一辈子负责任,不总是那么简单的.

3、In this masterpiece is embodied his life - time of painstaking work.───这部名著凝聚着他毕生的心血.

4、May be one a life time while turn round.───一转身可能就是一世.

5、The price for a mistake should mean one - off payment rather life - time burden.───为一次过错支付 抚恤金 就够了,不要负担更多.

6、The foundation contributed life - time allowance to 100 old men.───基金会捐助浦东100位老人终身津贴.

7、Sigh over the " impermanence of life, time waits for no man! "───概叹 “ 人生无常, 时不我待! ”

8、She brought me a cookie – a Viennese crescent she got from the best bakery in New York – and initiated the first of a life time of serious talks.───她给了我一块饼干——她从纽约最好的面包店买的维也纳式新月形饼干——开始了一生中第一次严肃的谈话。

9、This may be the chance of a life - time .───这机会可谓是 千载难逢.

10、No, I've discovered the real thing, the only genuine occupation for a life time.───不,我找到了真正有意义的工作,唯一真正可以做一辈子的职业。

11、During Joe's life time he will extend and flex finger joints at least 25 million times.───在乔的一生中,他要伸、屈指关节至少2,500万次.

12、There was a glow on his face , wrinkled by a life time of suffering, that inspired one with a feeling of unshakable optimism.───他那饱经风霜的多皱的脸上发着光彩, 使人产生一种乐观的感觉.

13、The life time is long heavy repair for about 40000 hours.───使用寿命长,大修间隔期长,(大约为40000小时左右).

14、Aggregation or Composition depends up on life time of the child object.───聚合和组合决定于它的子对象的生命周期?

15、A whole - life policy gives you protection for you life time.───终生险保一生.

16、You gave me peace in a life time of war.───在我战乱的一生中你给我最后的安宁.

17、And we offer a life time warranty.───而且我们提供终生保修。

18、Achieve the life time reducing energy consumption, prolonging equipment's purpose.───到达下降能耗 、 延伸设备的使用寿命的目标.

life time相似词语短语

1、glide time───滑行时间

2、lose time───耽误时间;走得慢;失去时机

3、life table───[工经]耐用年限表;生命统计表


5、drive time───班车时间;驱动时间;驾驭时间


7、air time───**或电视节目开始的时间;机场大厦

8、life style───生活方式,生活习惯;格调

9、prime time───黄金时间



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