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Time to中文翻译,Time to是什么意思,Time to发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

Time to中文翻译,Time to是什么意思,Time to发音、用法及例句

1、Time to

Time to发音

英:  美:

Time to中文意思翻译



Time to双语使用场景

1、When you're finished with your massive to-do list, or at least the extremely weighty parts of it, take time to celebrate.───当你完成了那些堆积如山的待办事项,或者至少完成了其中的绝大部分时,花点时间犒劳自己吧。

2、I didn't have any time to grieve.───我没有时间去悲伤。

3、Xia Hong remembered and said as soul out of her body " He definitely has no time to say something. "───夏红惊魂未定地回忆说:“他什么都没来得及说。”

4、time to settle this mano-a-mano.───当面解决这个问题的时候了。

5、We gave him water from his canteen. We gave him oxygen. We propped him up and gave him time to try to relax and get calm.───我们从给养车里给他拿来了水,给他输氧,扶他起来,给他时间,让他试着休息放松。

6、I'd like some time to consider.───我希望有些时间考虑一下。

7、It takes sb. how much time to do sth.───这需要某人。多少时间做某事。

8、With no time to unlock the door of his car and climb inside, he ran around the car with the bear chasing behind (see photo).───由于没时间打开车门回到车中,他和北极熊开始绕着车跑(见图)。

9、She came out just in time to see the deer running off toward the mountains with her little boy.───她出来时刚好看到那只鹿正拖着孩子向山里跑去。

Time to相似词语短语

1、came to───v.想起;共计

2、like to───喜欢;近乎

3、come to───v.想起;共计

4、rise to───上升到;升迁

5、time on───n.(Timeon)人名;(基里)蒂梅翁

6、lie to───顶风停住;对……撒谎

7、take to───喜欢;走向;开始从事

2、time to和time for的区别?


1、time for意为“是时候做某事了”

2、time to意为“是时候做……了”


1、time for强调的是事情,后面接名词或名词短语。

2、time to强调的是动作,后面一般跟动词或动词短语的原形。


1、time for意为是时候做某事了,后接名词或名词短语。例如:It was a testing time for us all。


2、time to意为是时候行动了,后接动词或动词短语的原型。例如:This will be a problem for some time to come。

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