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素食主义者英文(vegetarian food中文翻译,vegetarian food是什么意思,vegetarian food发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

素食主义者英文(vegetarian food中文翻译,vegetarian food是什么意思,vegetarian food发音、用法及例句)

vegetarian food

vegetarian food发音

英:  美:

vegetarian food中文意思翻译



vegetarian food双语使用场景

1、We can get protein, iron and vitamins from vegetarian food.───我们可以从素食中获得蛋白质, 铁质和维它命.

2、They live on vegetarian food.───他们是吃素食的.

3、Spectators aren't the only ones who will be seeking healthy vegetarian food while in Beijing.───不是只有在北京的观众才会寻求健康素食.

4、The old man takes only vegetarian food.───这位老人一向吃素食.

5、Please eat less meat, vegetarian food.───请尽量少吃肉, 最好吃素:吃素,吃素可以环保,拯救地球.

6、He takes only vegetarian food.───他是吃素的.

7、But even vegetarian food can make people fat.───即使是素食也可能使人发胖.

8、Does vegetarian food mean healthy?───素食是健康的代名词 吗 ?

9、Eat vegetarian food because it's not good to see blood.───吃素食,因为见血是不吉利的.

10、But how much do you know about vegetarian food?───但你对素食有多少了解 呢 ?

11、The best way to do that is to respect all life and eat only vegetarian food.───这样做的最好方式就是尊重所有的生命并且吃素.

12、Will there be lack of nutrition if vegetarian food?───光吃素会不会营养不均衡?

13、They are encouraged to partake of vegetarian food for the day.───他们在那一天被鼓励去吃素菜.

vegetarian food相似词语短语

1、vegetarian diet───素餐;素食




5、vegetation type───[植]植被型,植被种类

6、vegetative coma───植物性昏迷

7、vegetarian dish───素菜

8、vegan food───素食

9、vegetable gold───植物金


是指一种具有类似于肉的风味和组织口感的素食(vegetarian food),通常以植物蛋白(大豆蛋白、花生蛋白、小麦面筋等)为主要原料,通过包括挤压蒸煮等现代食品加工工艺在内的热加工形成类似于肉的组织口感,通过美拉德反应和/或添加肉味香精来形成类似于肉的风味。

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