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big old中文翻译,big old是什么意思,big old发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

big old中文翻译,big old是什么意思,big old发音、用法及例句

big old

big old发音

英:  美:

big old中文意思翻译



big old双语使用场景

1、A sound rose slowly from the Queen Grove as she spoke, deep and resonant, like the stroke of a big, old clock or the hum of a harp.───这时从皇后林那边传来引起共鸣的低沉声音,像一座大旧钟发出的钟声或是竖琴发出的嗡嗡声。

2、She loved the big old house.───她喜爱那座古老的大房子。

3、It flew up with the wind and came to rest on a very high branch of a big old tree. Bill saw it, but said nothing.───它随风飞逝,最终落到了一个又大又老的高高的树枝上,比尔看着它,什么也没说。

4、All our friends and relatives had come to my party, and in the evening we danced on the big old carpet which we had laid down in the barn.───那天晚上的舞会上,我们的亲友都来了。我们在仓房里铺上一条宽大的旧毛毯,翩翩起舞。

5、My whole life, brief as it was, had been spent in that big old house, gracefully touched with the laughter and tears of four generations.───我一直住在那间大的屋子里,而且一家四代同堂,在那间屋子里和和睦睦,有过悲伤更有过欢乐。

6、For that I won a big old plaque -- Man of the Year in Education.───凭这个发现,我赢得了一个又大又旧的匾额---年度杰出教育人物。

7、She took him in and she sat him down in a split bottom rocker in front of a great big old fireplace and she went off.───她带小男孩进入屋里面,在一个巨大的火炉前的一张摇椅坐下后就走开了。

big old相似词语短语

1、big role───大角色

2、big end───(连杆)大头

3、big bad───市况萧条

4、big road───大路

5、big bud───大巴德

6、big on───酷爱;对...热情的;...的权威


we do not stop playing because we are old,we grow old because we stop playing,是什么意思?

你好!we do not stop playing because we are old,we grow old because we stop playing我们没有停止玩耍因为我们老了,我们变老是因为我们停止玩耍

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