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exposed to(owed to中文翻译,owed to是什么意思,owed to发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

exposed to(owed to中文翻译,owed to是什么意思,owed to发音、用法及例句)

owed to

owed to发音

英:  美:

owed to中文意思翻译



owed to双语使用场景

1、The central bank's inaction is owed to a particular set of Japanese circumstances as the economy moves out of a decade of deflation.───日本央行之所以按兵不动,是因为日本经济在摆脱10年通缩之际的一系列特殊环境。

2、The glow in their hearts and the courage of their resistance they felt were owed to him more than to any other one man.───他们心中的热情和他们感到的反抗勇气最主要即是来源于他。

3、Liabilities represent the debts owed to others known as creditors, and are referred to as "payables" .───负债就是别人欠债权人的债务,通常被看作“应付款”。

4、We've also made it easy to find out what's owed to you and your family.───我们也能很容易的发现欠你们和你们家庭什么。

5、The above-mentioned act is owed to ghastfulness, consternation, excitation or excessively panic-stricken.───上述行为是因为恐怖、惊愕、兴奋或者过于惊慌失措引起的。

6、"If you spoke to her, she sincerely believed that this was owed to her and she had not done a thing wrong, " Mr. Mahler said.───“如果你去问她,她很认真地相信这是她应得的,她没有做错任何事,”马勒称。

7、He had sought to obtain payment of a sum which he had claimed was owed to him.───他曾试图获得一笔他声称是欠他的钱。

8、But no further information is available about how much Iraqi debt owed to China will be forgiven.───但是伊拉克对华所欠债务被免除的具体数字没有披露。

owed to相似词语短语

1、copped to───接受;承认

2、round to───掉头顶风停下;恢复体力

3、looked to───v.注意;指望;照看

4、mowed down───割倒;摧毁;残杀

5、bowed down───鞠躬

6、exposed to───接触;暴露于

7、used to───惯于;过去经常

owe to,owe by用法?

money owed to the business by its customers 意思是“客户欠公司的钱”;这样看更清楚:money owed by its customers to the business,\"by its customers\" 是指“owe”这个行为是“customers”实施的.欠(债),欠(钱):“owe sb sth”或是“owe sth to sb”,变形为“sth is owed to sb by sb\"下面那句,money owed by customers 与上面同样的意思.

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