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must have to中文翻译,must have to是什么意思,must have to发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

must have to中文翻译,must have to是什么意思,must have to发音、用法及例句

must have to

must have to发音

英:  美:

must have to中文意思翻译



must have to双语使用场景

1、This topic provides an overview of networking and telephony components and concepts that you must have to understand Unified Messaging.───本主题概述要了解统一消息必须熟悉的网络和电话的组件和概念。

2、If my original plans had encompassed coming here rather than Iran, I'm sure I would have seen far more of what it must have to offer.───格鲁吉亚其实已经不是欧洲,而是亚洲了。假如我最初的计划不是走伊朗而是格鲁吉亚,肯定可以看到更多值得一看的地方。

3、XDIME document and a device layout are the most basic requirements that you must have to create a Mobile Portal portlet.───XDIME文档以及设备布局是建立Mobile Portal portlet最基本的条件。

4、This hotfix contains only the files that you must have to correct the issues that this article lists.───此修复程序仅包含文件,您必须能纠正问题,本文列出。

5、He said the company is specifying what hardware features, such as chips and wireless cards, devices must have to run the software.───他表示,谷歌正在明确,运行这款操作系统需要哪些类型的芯片和无线网卡等硬件。

6、The next thing that you must have to do is his emotional gestures which might be a big factor.───接下来,你必须注意他的激动的姿势,那可能是一个很大的因素。

7、"Our republic must not become a mosaic of communities, " she said. "Nobody must have to wear the yellow star again. "───甚至一位阿尔及利亚出身的政府官员还说:「我国千万不能成为马赛克拼贴式的社群,再也没有人需要配戴黄色星章。」

8、What malevolence you must have to wish to convince me that there is no happiness in the world!───你真是多毒辣呀,想让我相信这世界上没有幸福!

9、Because you must have to have the subjective participation of the main historical narrative, historical narrative can be possible.───因为必须得有历史叙述主体的主观参与,历史叙述才能成为可能。

must have to相似词语短语

1、what have you───等等;诸如此类

2、heave to───停船;逆风停船;顶风漂泊

3、to heave to───举起


5、come home to───被完全领会;使…认识到

6、I have it───我有


8、only have to───只需要

9、hove to───我们开始吧。

must;have to的用法


have to更加强调不得不,没办法


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