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apiece of中文翻译,apiece of是什么意思,apiece of发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

apiece of中文翻译,apiece of是什么意思,apiece of发音、用法及例句

1、apiece of

apiece of发音

英:  美:

apiece of中文意思翻译



apiece of双语使用场景

1、A crow had stolen apiece of meat ahd sat on a tree branch ready to eat it.───有只乌鸦偷到一块肉,衔着站在一根树支上,正准备美歺一顿。

2、J: Well, some pudding, apiece of chocolate cake, and Dad brought back French fries and a coke. . .───嗯,还有一些布丁,一块巧克力蛋糕,爸爸带回来的炸薯条和一罐可乐…

3、I mean, please, do you want apiece of me?───我的意思是,请问你还是想知道我的点点滴滴吗?

4、You can know every single ingredient in apiece of chocolate cake, and then when you sit down and eat that cake, you can still feel that joy.───就犹如在了解一块巧克力蛋糕中的所有成份后,我仍然能够品味吃蛋糕的乐趣。

5、In general, the more distracting apiece of clothing or jewelry is, the less appropriate it is for office wear.───平常环境下,越是分散注意力的衣服或珠宝,越不得当办公室着装。

6、Please, the new words apiece of paper.───请把这些生词写在一张纸上。

7、This tinkering led them to apiece of ancient maths known as the Chinese remainder theorem.───这次改变使他们联想到了古老的数学问题——中国剩余定理。

8、John is carving a apiece of wood into a boat.───约翰正在做一个用木制成的小船模型。

9、I eat an egg, apiece of bread and a bowl of porridge for breakfast.───我早餐吃一个蛋,一片面包和一碗粥。

apiece of相似词语短语

1、to piece out───拼凑

2、a piece of cake───轻松的事

3、piece of ass───性感的女人(俚语)

4、pieced out───把…串连起来;使完整


6、a piece of work───难事;一件作品;一项工作

7、pieces out───把…串连起来;使完整

8、piece out───把…串连起来;使完整

9、capable of───有…能力的;可…的

2、a piece of、some、a little有什么区别

a piece of 一块、一张、一条……

a piece of cake、a piece of good news、a piece of white cloth……

一首诗就是简单的 a poem,不需要量词一些常用释义

[英] [sʌm]

[美] [səm]


若干; 一些; 某个; 大约; 大量的; 可观的; 至少有一点; 了不起的; 很不错的


一些人; 一些东西; 若干人; 一点东西


在某种程度上; 大量地


Not that Jennifer would ever be on the dole. Some chance of that.


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