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part of speech中文翻译,part of speech是什么意思,part of speech发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

part of speech中文翻译,part of speech是什么意思,part of speech发音、用法及例句

part of speech

part of speech发音

英:  美:

part of speech中文意思翻译



part of speech双语使用场景

1、What part of speech is it?───这是什么词类?

2、Do you know the part of speech of this word?───你知道这个单词的词性 吗 ?

3、The numeral is a part of speech which has great difference in Zhuang and Thai language.───数词是壮语和泰语差别较大的一个词类.

4、The article is a part of speech in the English language.───冠词是英语的一种词类.

5、Multi - information score takes into account of lexical, part - of speech , syntactic and semantic information.───使用多信息源评分来对分析阶段出现的歧义进行消歧.

6、Chinese modal particle has no equivalent part of speech in English.───英语中没有相当于汉语语气词的词类.

7、A conjunction is a part of speech that connects two words, phrases or clauses together.───连接关系是语言中连接两个词语 、 短语或从句的部分.

8、This message spread everywhere to the ave lane that part of speech presses down very quickly.───这个消息很快就传遍了呼啦镇的大街小巷.

9、of speech is this word?───这个词的词性是什么?

10、Can you tell us what part of speech this word is?───你能说出这个单词的词类 吗 ?

11、Speakers declined the part of speech in each sentence.───演讲者改变了每一句中的词性.

12、A learning algorithm is presented to acquire and optimize rules part of speech tagging.───本文提出一种词性标注规则自动学习算法.

13、The quantifier in Chinese is one part of speech to express the quantity unit.───现代汉语量词是用来表示数量单位的一种词类.

14、To describe ( a word ) by stating its part of speech, form, and syntactical relationships in a sentence.───语法描述,语法说明通过说明在句中的词性 、 形式和句法关系上描述 ( 一个词 )

15、In these antonyms adjective and verb is more than obviously noun and other part of speech.───这些反义词中形容词和动词明显多于名词和其它词类.

16、you know the part of speech of this word?───你知道这个单词的词性吗?

part of speech相似词语短语

1、hate speech───仇恨言论

2、figure of speech───修辞;比喻说法

3、part of speeches───词性,词类

4、liberty of speech───言论自由

5、pattern of speech───言语模式

6、parts of speech───词类;词性

7、figures of speech───修辞格;修辞手法;形象化比喻

8、curtain speech───谢幕演说

9、major speech───主要讲话


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