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diamond cut diamond中文翻译,diamond cut diamond是什么意思,diamond cut diamond发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

diamond cut diamond中文翻译,diamond cut diamond是什么意思,diamond cut diamond发音、用法及例句

diamond cut diamond

diamond cut diamond发音

英:  美:

diamond cut diamond中文意思翻译


棋逢对手; 强中自有强中手; 针尖儿对麦芒儿; 硬碰硬


diamond cut diamond双语使用场景

1、It was diamond cut diamond when the two men met because they were both so sure their own ideas were right.───那两人一交锋真是棋逢对手,互不相让,因为他们都确信自己的想法是正确的。

2、It was a case of diamond cut diamond, each team was strong.───这是一场棋逢对手的对决, 每支队伍都很强.

3、It's a case of diamond cut diamond with those two and both of them are afraid of going too far in their demands of each other.───这两个人势均力敌,双方都唯恐彼此提出过分的要求.

4、It was diamond cut diamond when the two teams met.───那两队一交锋真是棋逢对手,互不相让.

5、The two cats challenged each other for the disputed territory – it was a diamond cut diamond.───两只猫为争地盘而互相挑战——真是互不相让.

6、It was diamond cut diamond when the two men met because they were so sure their own ideas were right.───这两人凑在一块,真是硬碰硬,因为他俩都确信自己的意见是正确的.

diamond cut diamond相似词语短语

1、Jonker diamond───瓊格爾鑽石

2、diamond cuttings───金刚石切割法

3、diamond cutting───金刚石切割法

4、black diamond───黑金刚石,黑钻石

5、diamond wedding───钻石婚(结婚60周年或75周年纪念)

6、blood diamond───血钻

7、conflict diamond───冲突钻石,滴血钻石



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