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in the eyes of中文翻译,in the eyes of是什么意思,in the eyes of发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

in the eyes of中文翻译,in the eyes of是什么意思,in the eyes of发音、用法及例句

in the eyes of

in the eyes of发音

英:  美:

in the eyes of中文意思翻译




in the eyes of双语使用场景

1、In the eyes of Fudan University's Mr. Yu, foreign visitors to the Expo will accept the pajama fashion with tolerance and appreciation───在复旦大学的于先生看来,来参观世博会的外国人将以宽容和欣赏的态度接受睡衣时尚。

2、It's an unforgiv sin in the eyes of God.───这在上帝眼里是不可以原谅的罪过.

3、To ignore the problem only made it worse in the eyes of our allies.───回避这个问题只会使我们的盟国把这件事看得更加严重.

4、Success in the eyes of others is an overrated achievement.───在他人眼中,成功常常被夸大为了不起的成就。

5、You may think it an innocent joke to drive away another person's car but in the eyes of the law it is theft.───你也许认为把别人的车开走是开个不打紧的玩笑,但从法律的观点看来,这是偷窃.

6、The new teacher lost favor in the eyes of the parents.───那位新老师不受家长的欢迎.

7、In the eyes of the Miao, the dragon is a symbol of good luck.───龙, 在苗族人心目中是吉祥如意的象征.

8、The accused had thrown dust in the eyes of the police by giving them a false alibi.───被告向警方提供伪证,以此转移了他们的视线.

9、In the eyes of the public, a divorced man is footloose and fancy-free.───在公众心目中,离婚的男人无牵无挂、自由自在。

10、He is still, in the eyes of some, an irredeemable misogynist.───在某些人的眼里,他仍然是个无可救药的厌恶女性者。

11、In the eyes of the law, Aziz was not yet guilty.───从法律角度看, 阿济兹还构不上犯罪.

12、other serious problem in the eyes of the new government is communalism.───在新政府看来,另外一个严峻的问题是地方自治主义。

13、The new teacher finds favor in the eyes of the parents.───那位新老师很受家长的欢迎.

14、In the eyes of the critical professionals, he can do no wrong.───在评论家看来, 他是不会错的.

15、He refused to abase himself in the eyes of others.───他不愿在他人面前被贬低.

16、mere fact of being poor makes such children criminals in the eyes of the police.───只因为贫穷就使得这群儿童成为警方眼中的罪犯。

17、Such is his responsibility in the eyes of the law.───在法律眼中,这都是他的责任.

18、In the eyes of the law, he was not yet guilty.───从法律的观点来看, 他现在还是无罪的.

in the eyes of相似词语短语

1、in the teeth of───不顾;对抗,抵挡

2、in the event of───..发生

3、on the heels of───紧跟,紧接着…;紧随…之后

4、in the order of───按…次序;大约

5、in the face of───面对

6、in the act of───正在做…时

7、in the midst of───在…之中

8、in the throes of───处于……困境中;在……的挣扎中;在……的痛苦中

9、in the interest of───adv.为了;为了...的利益



n. 眼睛;视力;眼光;见解,观点

vt. 注视,看



I had a piece of grit in my eye.



in the eyes of在…心目中;从…来看

to the eyeadv. 从表面上看来;公然

an eye for对…很有兴趣,对…有很深的爱好;对…有敏锐的鉴赏力;能欣赏;能判断

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