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full of love中文翻译,full of love是什么意思,full of love发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

full of love中文翻译,full of love是什么意思,full of love发音、用法及例句

full of love

full of love发音

英:  美:

full of love中文意思翻译





full of love双语使用场景

1、He came back with a heart full of love, she said, and the lilacs are in her hair, her mouth, they are choking her armpits.───她说西尔维斯特回来时心里充满了柔情蜜意,这时丁香花还在她头上插着、在她嘴里插着、塞在她腋下。

2、She laid down the letter, which seemed so full of love to her, and began to contemplate her sleeping cousin with the warmest kindness.───她把这封她认为充满爱情的信放下,心满意足地端详着睡觉的堂兄弟。

3、Let us always to the life caring and full of love and love!───让我们的生活永远走向关怀,充满真情和爱心!

4、You gazed at me with eyes full of love And made me understand.───我看到了,你用充满爱意的眼神凝视我。

5、As long as you love me love makes the world go around, the world full of love is like a spring garden.───爱让我们的星球运转,充满爱的世界就象春天的花园。

6、I thought she could be full of love for a puppy, not to mention her own kid. Wo must be a good mother in future!───我想,“我”尚且对一只小动物都如此的关爱,更不用说待自己的孩子了,将来她一定是位好妈妈!

7、Though the old woman was poor for she did not have much money, but she was full of love and rich inspirit.───虽然这位老妇人很穷,因为她真的没有太多的钱,但她充满了爱和丰富的精神。

8、It's really that simple. See your life as full of love and joy.───把你的生活看做是爱和欢乐吧,这真的很简单。

9、You give the world, full of love.───你给的世界,满满的都是爱。

full of love相似词语短语

1、oil of cloves───丁香油

2、fall in love───坠入爱河;爱上某人

3、labor of love───心甘情愿做的工作

4、full of oneself───骄傲;臭美;自以为是;只顾自己

5、ball of fire───才智精力过人,而且取得光辉成就的人

6、Hall of Fame───n.名人堂

7、tunnel of love───情侣隧道(游乐场里供情侣乘小车或小船通过的黑暗弯曲的隧道)

8、tunnel of loves───爱情隧道

9、full of beans───精神旺盛的;弄错的


full of love意思是:充满爱心/充满爱情Let's make every home full of love and blessing! 让我们携手创造,让每个家园都充满爱和祝福!I grow up in straitened but full of love circumstances. 我是在物质条件贫乏但却充满爱心的环境下长大.That incarnate no matter how callous profession are full of love. 体现了不论是多么冷酷的职业,都充满着爱.

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