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wholesale price中文翻译,wholesale price是什么意思,wholesale price发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

wholesale price中文翻译,wholesale price是什么意思,wholesale price发音、用法及例句

wholesale price

wholesale price发音

英:  美:

wholesale price中文意思翻译



wholesale price双语使用场景

1、Promotion wholesale price: less than 15 $ for a purse.───促进批发价格: 低于15$的一个钱包.

2、The company is trying every means to the wholesale price of its products.───那家公司正尝试各种方法降低它产品的批发价格.

3、We supply a wide variety of Victoria Secrets lip glosses and lotions at a wholesale price.───我们提供各种各样的维多利亚秘密嘴唇掩盖和乳液的批发价格.

4、The average wholesale price information is compiled by the Census & Statisticsform a range of sources.───平均批发价格的资料,是由统计处根据多方面资料来源编成.

5、You can sell it to them at a set wholesale price, allowing them to mark it up for retail.───你可以按固定的批发价卖给他们,这样他们可以提高价格零售。

6、But the wholesale price increase, which has been passed onto customers, probably won't affect our coffee-drinking habits.───但是批发价格的增加并且已经转嫁到我们消费者身上,这也许并不会对我们喝咖啡的习惯造成影响。

7、In the event of $ 2.80 being the correct wholesale price, please indicate the new price.───如正确的批发价为2.80美元, 请说明新的零售价是多少.

8、The brazil nut gatherers were paid only 2 to 3 percent of the New York wholesale price.───这些巴西果采摘者所卖的钱仅为纽约批发价格的2%到3%。

9、They buy these goods at wholesale price.───他们是以批发价格购进的这批货物.

10、Superior quality! Wholesale price! 08 New Chanel Wallet.───优越的品质! 批发价格! 今天08新夏奈尔钱包.

11、Now Bagyhouse with wholesale basis, all item are wholesale price.───我们开始以批发性质售货, 所有货品都以批发价出售.

12、Whats your wholesale price on this item?───这种产品你们的批发价是多少 呢 ?

13、What's your wholesale price on this item?───这种产品你们的批发价是多少妮?

14、But, I can tell you about our wholesale price.───不过, 我倒是可以告诉我们的批发价.

15、We're only charging you at our wholesale price.───我们只是接受批发价格的.

16、Question : who knows wholesale price of the book fiction?───无锡南阐寺小说书批发价格一般 多少 ?

17、The wholesale price for the telephone is $ 30, the price is $ 50.───这部电话的批发价是30元, 零售价是50元.

wholesale price相似词语短语

1、wholesale price index───批发物价指数;批发价格指数

2、resale price───[物价]转售价格;[物价]再售价格

3、wholesale price indexes───批发物价指数;批发价格指数

4、sale price───n.特价;廉价

5、resale prices───[物价]转售价格;[物价]再售价格

6、whole enterprise───整个企业

7、wholesale price indices───批发物价指数;批发价格指数




批发物价指数,其英文全称是Wholesale Price Index。批发物价指数的编写依据是大宗商品的批发平均价。批发物价指数与零售物价指数是相对的概念,批发物价指数能够反映在不同的事件之内,市场中某个商品批发价格的变动趋势,是一个重要的经济指标

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